Update: Natasza is now expected in Seattle at the beginning of October. Local Polish bikers and fans prepare a welcome for her. If you are interested in meeting Natasza etc. please contact Krzysztof at krystof_pk@q.com. World traveler Natasza Caban has started her motorcycle tour of the America’s. After gaining fame
Lira will show you the Poland of your dreams! Poland is perfectly safe – with 10,000 US troops in the country – and is a member of NATO and the European Union. Lira has been organizing tours of Poland for more than 30 years! The 2023 offer includes the two
While American citizens cannot enter the EU countries, you can fly to Europe on a different passport, such as a Polish one. There are two ways to do it: on regular flights or “rescue” flights. For regular flights, it’s the usual. You can book a flight on a regular airline
While American citizens cannot enter the EU countries, you can fly to Europe on a different passport, such as a Polish one. There are two ways to do it: on regular flights or “rescue” flights. Situation changes, so check your connection to see if you can fly on a regular