Learn Polish at Summer Studies Abroad Program at the Jagiellonian University or the John Paul II Catholic University. You can sign up for paid courses or apply for a Kosciuszko Foundation scholarship. Application deadline is May 20, 2023. The Kosciuszko Foundation is currently accepting applications for 2023 Summer Studies Abroad
The Kosciuszko Foundation Tuition Scholarships support American students of Polish descent for graduate level studies, such as masters and Ph.D. studies, at colleges and universities in the United States. Scholarships ranging from $1,000 to $7,000 are awarded on a competitive basis for one academic year. Funding is for full-time studies. Scholarships are
The local Polish Schools in Bellevue and Seattle are adapting to the difficulties created by the pandemic with their school year starting around mid-September. There is also a recommendation for an online school in Poland. Szkoła Polska im. Ks. J. Twardowskiego w BellevueThe School will have all the classes online, which
Szkoła Polska w Seattle szuka nauczycieli Polska Szkoła im. Juliusza Słowackiego w Seattle poszukuje nauczycieli języka polskiego do klasy 3-ciej i do klasy najmłodszej, 4-5 latków. Mile widziane wykształcenie pedagogiczne. Zgłoszenia przyjmuje i więcej informacji udziela Maria Grabowska, megrabowska@yahoo.com Zapisy dzieci i dorosłych na nowy rok szkolny 2020/21 przyjmują Maria Grabowska