Tag: Food

Mother’s Day Specials Available to Order Till Midnight on May 5

The chef at the Polish Cultural Center Dom Polski, Anna Horodetska, offers these cake specials right in time for a Mother’s Day celebration! Frasier cake – vanilla sponge, crème mousseline, strawberries; serves 10-12 people, price $35 Summer Cheesecake – vanilla sponge, creamy cheese mousse, berry gelée layer, fresh raspberries, cream

Polish Home Closed For Good Friday

As is a long tradition, the dining room and the bar at the Polish Cultural Center Dom Polski will be closed for Good Friday, April 2, 2021. They will be back in business on Friday, April 9. People who ordered Easter special cakes can pick them up on Holy Saturday,

Easter Specials Available to Order Till March 31

The new chef at the Polish Cultural Center, Anna Horodetska, offers these spring specials right in time for your Easter celebration! Napoleon cake – made in house caramelized flaky puff with silky rum mousseline cream Serves 6-8 people, price $18 Chocolate Raspberry Mazurek – Traditional buttery Polish short crust with summer

Local Artist Participates in the Edible Book Contest

Local artist Amanda Drewniak participates in the ShoreLake Arts Edible Book Festival contest. She has recreated the Polish-American children’s story of the White Stork Migration and their mission to find the Golden Anklet on Cookie Lollipops! Amanda is an artist and a whimsical filmmaker residing in Shoreline. Check her website!

AD: Polish Home Dining Room Opens

The Polish Home Association decided to open the dining room at the Polish Cultural Center on Friday nights starting on March 5, 2021.  It will open under the new chef, Anna Horodetska and a new name “Marmolada”. The capacity is limited due to COVID-19 restrictions for spacing etc. to below

Polish Home Dining Room & Bar Closed Again

At the special meeting discussing the pandemic impact, the Trustees and Officers of the Polish Home Association decided that the dining room and the bar at the Polish Cultural Center Dom Polski will be closed until January 8, 2021.

AD: Polish Cuisine on Wheels NW

Polish Food Truck in the Seattle Area Polish Cuisine on Wheels NW provides delicious Polish food at different place in Seattle and other cities of the region. You need to look at the schedule to see where you can catch it. For current locations and times, please check our schedule at Polish