Tag: Book

“Impro Frycek, czyli Chopin jakiego nie znacie” Katarzyny Huzar-Czub

Jak zainteresować dzieci takimi postaciami jak Chopin, Moniuszko czy Paderewski? To nie lada wyzwanie! Ale Polskie Wydawnictwo Muzyczne i autorka Katarzyna Huzar-Czub znaleźli na to świetny sposób! Sięgając po książkę „Impro Frycek – czyli Chopin, jakiego nie znacie” dostajemy wesołą, rymowaną opowieść o Fryderyku Chopinie. Bez nudy, bez suchych dat,

UW Courses Accessible to the Public in Spring 2023

The spring quarter at the University of Washington starts soon and people who are interested in Polish language and culture can find courses suitable for them.  State residents aged 60+ are allowed to audit one or two university courses per quarter on a space-available basis through the UW Access Program.

UW Courses Accessible to the Public in Winter

The winter quarter at the University of Washington brings again courses that can draw people interested in Polish language and culture. As usual, seniors 60+ can register to listen to these courses for a token fee (in range of $10) through the UW Access Program. Notable courses include: More: Registration for the

Local Artist Participates in the Edible Book Contest

Local artist Amanda Drewniak participates in the ShoreLake Arts Edible Book Festival contest. She has recreated the Polish-American children’s story of the White Stork Migration and their mission to find the Golden Anklet on Cookie Lollipops! Amanda is an artist and a whimsical filmmaker residing in Shoreline. Check her website!