Category: Short Story

Short stories on different subjects

Weaving Legacies: Traces of Polish History in Washington State

Although history books highlight mostly well-known individuals whose names are etched onto pages, it is important to recognize the countless forgotten names without whom these prominent figures would not be who they were. Just as every architectural marvel requires architects, builders, suppliers, and craftsmen, every king relies on their subjects, and every tradition depends on the individuals who nurture it.
Each one of us has a personal history that intertwines with the broader narratives of society, nation, culture, and civilization. We carry the legacy of our ancestors while simultaneously contributing to the ongoing creation of history for our descendants. Consciously or not, actively or passively, we all weave a tapestry of history.

Linguistic False Friends

False friends in language, much like in life, can lead to misunderstandings. These are words in two languages that look or sound similar but have different meanings. For instance, the Polish “konfident” means an informant or betrayer, while the English “confident” refers to someone who is self-assured. Being aware of such false friends helps avoid miscommunication, ensuring that we use words correctly in different contexts, whether in everyday conversation or professional settings, and makes cross-language exchanges smoother. Read the article and turn false friands to your conversational companions.

Wind Inspired Polish Idioms

Anyone who learns a foreign language will sooner or later come across expressions whose meaning does not derive literally from the individual words. Their meaning is metaphorical, established, and understood