Category: Old

Other News expired post

AD: Polish Swing Dance Club

The Polish Swing Dance Club produces accessible and fun swing dance classes and events. Classes Learn the joy of swing dancing! No partner or experience is necessary.  We rotate partners

AD: Farewell to Isia Kott

Dear Friends, After a pandemic delay of over two years, we have said the final farewell to our beloved Isia. She wanted to be buried with her parents in the

Update on Recent Fundraisers

There has been several fundraisers for Ukraine that our local Polish communities have been involved with; this is an update for the recent ones. The dinner and auction with Gov. Jay

AD: Senat RP pyta Polonię o opinie

Komisja Spraw Emigracji i Łączności z Polakami za Granicą Senatu RP prosi o opinie Polonii dotyczące priorytetów i kierunków polityki państwa polskiego wobec Polonii i Polaków za granicą. List Senat

Art Contest by the Polish Theater

The 18th Avenue Theatre and Magdalena Gustowska-Kucharska invite all children and youth to an art contest related to its first play scheduled to have a premiere on June 24, 2022.