Tag: Politics

Movie “Woman Of…” at SIFF

A decades-spanning portrait of a transgender Polish woman on a journey of self-discovery is at the heart of Małgorzata Szumowska and Michał Englert’s “Woman Of,” the latest from the two-time Berlin Silver Bear winner (“Body,” “Mug”) and her longtime collaborator. “Woman Of” tells the story of Aniela Wesoły, who for

Undoing Legal Authoritarianism in Poland

UW Evans School of Public Policy and Governance presents a talk “Undoing Legal Authoritarianism: The Case of Poland, and Its Relevance Elsewhere” by Dvid Ost. A Q&A session will follow. During the eight years it was in power, starting in 2015, Poland’s Law and Justice Party (PiS), led by Jarosław

Challenges of the New Government in Poland

World Affairs Council in Seattle invites you to the presentation “The Challenges for the New Democratic Government in Poland” by Dr. Henryka Bochniarz. Poland experienced a significant transformation last year, as voters, particularly women and young people, voted out the populist Law and Justice Party (PiS). The eight-year tenure of

Polish Parliamentary Elections in Seattle

Update: results of the elections at the Seattle polling station 711 voters cast their votes, which is about double from the last elections; participation was 91.84% of registered voters. The parties and coalitions received the following share of votes to Sejm: KO – 48.70% PiS – 17.10% Nowa Lewica –

Spotkanie Wicemarszałek Sejmu M. Gosiewskiej z Polonią

This event is in Polish. Dom Polski w Seattle zaprasza na spotkanie z Małgorzatą Gosiewską, Wicemarszałkiem Sejmu z ramienia PiS. Wicemarszałek Gosiewska przyjeżdża do Seattle z oficjalną wizytą w ramach obchodów  Dnia Polonii i Polaków za Granicą oraz Flagi RP. Spotkanie odbędzie sie w jęz. polskim. Podczas tego spotkania Konsul

Gender Equality in Poland

Henry Jackson School of International Studies presents the lecture “Europeanization, Democratization, and Backsliding: Trajectories and Framing of Gender Equality Institutions in Poland” by Dr. Barbara Gaweda. This lecture is part of the Talking Gender in the EU in 2022-2023 lecture series that also covers Slovenia and the EU as a

European Energy Security in War and Peace

The UW Ellison Center for Russian, East European and Central Asian Studies presents a symposium “Energy Security in Europe: Current and Future Challenges“. The symposium has two panels; the first one deals with challenges brought by the war in Ukraine and includes a representative of Poland’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs,

Movie “Brigitte Bardot Forever” in Kirkland

Seattle Polish Film Festival presents the 2021 movie “Brigitte Bardot Forever” / “Brigitte Bardot cudowna“, by the renowned director Lech Majewski (“The Mill and the Cross“, “The Garden of Earthly Delights“, “Angelus“). The film stars are Kacper Olszewski, Magdalena Różczka and Joanna Opozda. The movie has won several awards at

Joseph Conrad’s View of Man and Politics

The Kosciuszko Foundation Online Programs present the webinar “Darkness Was Here Yesterday: Joseph Conrad’s View of Man and Politics” by Jaroslaw Anders. Joseph Conrad (1857-1924), born Józef Teodor Konrad Korzeniowski, was a Polish-British novelist and short story writer. He is regarded as one of the greatest writers in the English language,

Spotkanie Ambasadora Magierowskiego z Polonią

Podczas swojej wizyty w Seattle Ambasador RP w Stanach Zjednoczonych Marek Magierowski odwiedzi Parafię Polską w Seattle i spotka się z lokalną Polonią. To jest pierwsza wizyta Ambasadora Magierowskiego w Seattle. Spotkanie odbędzie się w sali parafialnej Kościoła Św. Małgorzaty Szkockiej w Seattle i jest otwarte dla wszystkich członków Polonii

Anxious Mind: Polishness in the 21st Century

The UW Slavic Department presents a lecture “The Anxious Mind: (Re)Defining Polishness in the 21st Century” by Dr. Krzysztof Borowski. This talk will examine what contemporary regionalist discourse reveals about the Polish national imagination in the early 21st century by tracing examples of divergent narratives across language, literature, and culture.

Latin America and Polish Anti-colonial Films

The UW Slavic Department presents a lecture “Third Cinema in the Second World: Images of Anti-colonialism in the Polish People’s Republic” by Dr. Marla Zubel. This talk locates key elements of the politics and aesthetics of Latin American Third Cinema in anti-colonial reportage films made in Poland in the 1960s

Piłsudski – Poland’s Founding Father

The Kosciuszko Foundation Online Programs presents the webinar “Józef Piłsudski – the Founding Father of Modern Poland” by Joshua Zimmerman. Zimmerman is the author of a new Piłsudski biography of the same title. In the story of modern Poland, no one stands taller than Jozef Pilsudski. From the age of

Webinar on the May 3rd Constitution

The Kosciuszko Foundation Online Programs present the webinar MAY 3rd Constitution, Its Genesis, Meaning, And Legacy by Dr. Elizabeth Zechenter and Marian Kornilowicz, Esq. The Constitution of May 3rd, 1791 is considered one of the essential achievements in the history of Poland, even though its life was prematurely shortened by

Dinner and Auction for Ukraine

Polish Home Association and Kamila’s Kitchen invite you to a special Friday dinner at the Polish Cultural Center with a Ukrainian menu. The menu includes verenyky (dumplings), tushona kapusta z miastom (braised sauerkraut with pork and beef roast) and otbivni (breaded pork chop), among others, and all the income will