Tag: Polish Language

Polish Book Club: “Wymazana granica”

The Club invites new members to discuss books in Polish. The book for the meeting is Wymazana granica, Śladami II Rzeczpospolitej by Tomasz Grzywaczewski, published in 2020 by Wyd. Czarne. The book traces the non-existing borders of Poland from before WWII, both inside of the country now (in Kaszuby, Greater

Polish Book Club: “Kaszëbë”

The Club invites new members to discuss books in Polish. The book for the meeting is Kaszëbë by Tomasz Słomczyński, published in 2021 by Wyd. Czarne. The book focuses on the Polish region of Kaszuby, with its own Kashubian language and customs. The region is frequently compared to Silesia for

Polish Book Club: “Maria Czubaszek”

The Club invites new members to discuss books in Polish. The book for the meeting is Maria Czubaszek. W coś trzeba nie wierzyć by Violetta Ozminkowski, published in 2021 by Prószyński i S-ka. The book is a biography of Maria Czubaszek. She was a satirist, writer, songwriter, screenwriter, known of

Polish Book Club: “Bohiń”

The Club invites new members to discuss books in Polish. The book for the meeting is Bohiń by Tadeusz Konwicki, first published in 1987. The book based on Konwicki’s family history depicts a forgotten corner of the now lost Polish Lithuania with its people and traditions and complicated history. Bohiń,

Joga po polsku w Domu Polskim

Asia Filipek zaprasza na sesje Jogi po polsku w Domu Polskim w Seattle. To jest wznowienie zajęć bezpłatnej jogi prowadzonych przez Asię w Domu Polskim od 2016 roku po przerwie wymuszonej przez pandemię. Zajęcia będą odbywały się co tydzień w czwartki, z przerwą na Święto Dziękczynienia i Święta Bożego Narodzenia.

Polish Theatre Looks For Talent

The Polish Theatre group is starting its first project in Polish and looks for children, youths and grown ups who would like to help with it. If you would like to get involved, come to the first meeting of the season on September 17, 2021. The theatre has been organizing

Joga po polsku wraca

Asia Filipek zaprasza na drugą zdalną sesję Jogi po polsku za jeden dolar! Klasa ma dać  przedsmak bezpłatnej jogi w Domu Polskim w Seattle, którą Asia ma nadzieję wznowić jesienią. Te zajęcia odbywały się w Domu Polskim od 2016 roku do pandemii w zeszłym roku. INSTRUKCJA DLA CHĘTNYCH Aby uczestniczyć,

Joga po polsku wraca

Asia Filipek zaprasza na zdalną sesję Jogi po polsku za jeden dolar! Klasa ma dać  przedsmak bezpłatnej jogi w Domu Polskim w Seattle, którą Asia ma nadzieję wznowić jesienią. Te zajęcia odbywały się w Domu Polskim od 2016 roku do pandemii w zeszłym roku. INSTRUKCJA DLA CHĘTNYCH Aby uczestniczyć kliknij


The Lincoln Park is in West Seattle and SGSCA decided to cancel the event due to problems with driving there while the West Seattle Bridge is closed. Everyone is invited – individuals and families, members and guests – to celebrate the summer at the yearly picnic of the Seattle-Gdynia Sister

Polish Book Club: “Rowerem przez II RP”

The Club invites new members to discuss books in Polish. The book for the meeting is Rowerem przez II RP by Bernard Newman, published in 2021 by Znak Horyzont. Filled with countless anecdotes, photos and personal observations, the book recounts Bernard Newman’s 3,000km route from Gdańsk to Kraków in 1934.

Polish Book Club: “Król”

The Club invites new members to discuss books in Polish. The book for the meeting is Król by Szczepan Twardoch, published in 2016. It paints a political panorama of Warsaw before WWII and of Polish-Jewish relations there with the narrator being an associate to a bloody gangster “king” who is a

Huddled in Full Sentences Poetry

The Kosciuszko Foundation Online Programs presents a webinar Huddled in Full Sentences: Poetic Worlds of Ewa Lipska by Jaroslaw Anders. One of the most distinctive voices in contemporary Polish poetry, Ewa Lipska’s writing combines the feeling of personal vulnerability, social corrosion, historical perils, and philosophical uncertainties of modern life. Often

Polish Book Club: “Głos”

The book for the meeting is Głos, a book-long interview with Wojciech Mann by Katarzyna Kubisiowska, published by Znak in 2020. Mann, a radio & TV host, is a household name in Poland and known  to everybody due to his very popular music programs in Polish Radio hosted for over

Presentation on the Józef Piłsudski Institute NY

The Austin Polish Society invites everybody to an online presentation in Polish about the Józef Piłsudski Institute of America in New York. The Institute was created in 1943 as a major research institution in America focusing on modern Polish history. It has an impressive archives of original documents covering Marshal

Polish Book Club: “Kasacja”

The Polish book for the meeting is Kasacja by Remigiusz Mróz. It’s the first book from the legal thriller series featuring Joanna Chyłka, Esq. The book has been praised by fellow crime novel writers and critics both for a gripping tale and for being on par with Grisham’s legal thrillers.

Polish Book Club: “Matka Polka”

The book for the meeting is Matka Polka by Anne Applebaum and Paweł Potoroczyn. It is an extensive interview that Applebaum agreed to do with Potoroczyn, a friend she shares many common interests with. Applebaum is a Pulitzer winning author (for Gulag: a History), who published several books, essays and

My Country’s Other Names

The Kosciuszko Foundation online programs present a webinar in the Polish Contemporary Literature series My Country’s Other Names: Poland’s New Wave Poets of the 1970s. The event includes talk by Jarosław Anders followed by a discussion moderated by Dr. Małgorzata Pośpiech. In the late 1960s a new poetic formation emerged