Tag: Poland

Spotkanie Ambasadora Magierowskiego z Polonią

Podczas swojej wizyty w Seattle Ambasador RP w Stanach Zjednoczonych Marek Magierowski odwiedzi Parafię Polską w Seattle i spotka się z lokalną Polonią. To jest pierwsza wizyta Ambasadora Magierowskiego w Seattle. Spotkanie odbędzie się w sali parafialnej Kościoła Św. Małgorzaty Szkockiej w Seattle i jest otwarte dla wszystkich członków Polonii

Flavor of Poland, Ep. 13: Podhale

This episode seems to have been cancelled. In the printed November 2020 KCTS 9 program this half an hour slot is taken over by the premiere broadcast of an Italian food series. This is the final episode of the series broadcast by PBS since August. Flavor of Poland is a

Ethnic Minorities in Polish Lands

The Jagiellonian Law Society and the Kosciuszko Foundation present a webinar Ethnic Minorities in Polish Lands by Prof. Marek Dziekan and Dr. Maria Kobielska. This is the first of a series of webinar on dealing with various ethnic minorities that have lived or are living in “Polish lands.” Poland is

Flavor of Poland, Ep. 9-12

Wednesdays at 12:30 This series was originally broadcast on KCTS9 from April to June 2020 – if you missed it, this is your second chance! Flavor of Poland is a culinary-travel PBS television weekly series presenting the country of Poland to American viewers like they’ve never seen it before. Hosted

Poland’s Podkarpackie in Documentary Movies

The Polish Film Festival Miami and the Podkarpackie Film Commission present four documentaries exploring the Podkarpackie region – the south east highland corner of Poland with the Beskidy Mountains and Bieszczdy.   Open Range / Wypasionay Raj  (2017) by Rafał Gużkowski   The Residents of Moczary / Moczarowi mieszkańcy (2016) by Rafał Gużkowski   Master and

Flavor of Poland, Ep. 4-8

Wednesdays at 12:30 This series was originally broadcast on KCTS9 from April to June 2020 – if you missed it, this is your second chance! Flavor of Poland is a culinary-travel PBS television weekly series presenting the country of Poland to American viewers like they’ve never seen it before. Hosted

Late Summer Nostalgia Movies

The Polish Film Festival Miami and the Embassy of Poland in Washington, DC present a cinematic retrospective Late Summer Nostalgia. All movies in Polish with English subtitles. There are four movies in the program and that includes a children adventure movie with 12-year old heroes. That movie, Double Trouble, is available for streaming for

Flavor of Poland, Ep. 1-3

Wednesdays at 12:30 pm This series was originally broadcast on KCTS9 from April to June 2020 – if you missed it, this is your second chance! Flavor of Poland is a culinary-travel PBS television weekly series presenting the country of Poland to American viewers like they’ve never seen it before.