Salon of Poetry at the Polish Home presents a night of poetry and music. Leszek Chudziński writes in both Polish and English. He has authored two books of poetry: Niedzielni Poeci (Sunday Poets, 2018) and Podlesie (2022). His writing has appeared in various literary journals and anthologies, including Frog Pond, No Longer Strangers: Haiku Northwest Twenty-Fifth and Thirty-Fifth
The University of Washington will host An Evening with Krzysztof Siwczyk on Monday, February 24, 2025, at 6:00 p.m. The event will feature a reading and conversation with the award-winning Polish poet Krzysztof Siwczyk and his translator, Professor Piotr Florczyk. The discussion will be moderated by Professor Agnieszka Jeżyk. This
The local Polish Scout Troop “Kaszuby” invites everybody to the Polish Cultural Center for a celebration of the Polish Independence Day commemorating Poland emerging as an independent nation on November 11, 1918, after over a century of partitions. This event is in Polish. The program prepared by Iwona Bernacki consists
Dom Polski i Szkoła Polska im. ks. Jana Twardowskiego w Bellevue serdecznie zapraszają na monodram „Wisława Szymborska: Poezja i życie” w wykonaniu Agaty Pilitowskiej. Spektakl ten został przygotowany z okazji setnej rocznicy urodzin poetki. Dodatkową atrakcją przedstawienia będą nagrania wideo z udziałem Marii Nowotarskiej. Agata Pilitowska i Maria Nowotarska (córka i
This event is in Polish. Salon Poezji zaprasza miłośników na duchową ucztę poezji i muzyki pt. “Cień babiego lata”. W programie wiersze znanych poetów z Opola, Elżbiety Lisak-Duda i Harry’ego Dudy oraz muzyczne iterludia w wykonaniu niezastąpionej Marzeny Lilian Szlaga. Elżbieta Lisak-Duda i Harry Duda, którzy sa oboje autorami wielu
The local Polish Scout Troop invites everybody to the Polish Cultural Center at for a celebration of the Polish Independence Day commemorating Poland emerging as an independent nation on November 11, 1918, after over a century of partitions. The program prepared by Iwona Bernacki consists of a medley of patriotic
The UW Slavic Department presents a lecture “Revolutionary Subjecthood of the Interwar Poetry in Poland: Traumatized Selves and Heterogeneous Subjectivities in Tytus Czyżewski’s Writing” by Dr. Agnieszka Jeżyk. This talk focuses on the influence that World War I had on the notion of subjecthood of one of the most important
The Seattle Polish Scout Troop “Kaszuby” invite everybody to the Polish Cultural Center at 2:30 pm on Sunday November 13 for a celebration of the Polish Independence Day commemorating Poland emerging as an independent nation on November 11, 1918, after over a century of partitions. The program prepared by Iwona