Tag: Music

Immigrant Song: New Poetry of Leszek Chudziński

Salon of Poetry at the Polish Home presents a night of poetry and music. Leszek Chudziński writes in both Polish and English. He has authored two books of poetry: Niedzielni Poeci (Sunday Poets, 2018) and Podlesie (2022). His writing has appeared in various literary journals and anthologies, including Frog Pond, No Longer Strangers: Haiku Northwest Twenty-Fifth and Thirty-Fifth

**🎹 Invitation to a Piano Recital 🎹**

In celebration of the 215th anniversary of Frederic Chopin’s birth, Polish Home and  Marzena Lilian Szlaga Piano Studio cordially invites you to an enchanting evening of music. Join us for a captivating piano recital featuring the talented students of Marzena Lilian Szlaga Piano Studio. They will perform some of the

New Year’s Eve Party at the Polish Home

The Polish Cultural Center invites everybody to the annual New Year’s Eve party. Festive dinner by Sebi’s Bistro includes: 8 hot courses, 7 different appetizers, desserts, hot and cold beverages, a glass of champaign at midnight. Music by DJ Justin. Cost is $120 for PHA members, $140 non-members. For tickets,

Andrzejki Dance Party

Polish Home Association invites everybody to an Andrzejki dance party at the Polish Cultural Center. In Poland, Andrzejki used to be the last party of the season, on the St. Andrew’s Eve, and its traditions include fortune telling with wax poured on water. The restaurant will be open for dinner and

2024 Volunteer Appreciation Party

Polish Home Association and Seattle Polish Foundation invite all volunteers who helped with events organized by the Polish community to the 2024 volunteer appreciation party! All volunteers, past, present and future are invited to come and be recognized and celebrated! The program includes food, drinks, games and of course dancing

Poland’s Independence Day Celebrations

The local Polish Scout Troop “Kaszuby” invites everybody to the Polish Cultural Center for a celebration of the Polish Independence Day commemorating Poland emerging as an independent nation on November 11, 1918, after over a century of partitions. This event is in Polish. The program prepared by Iwona Bernacki consists

“We Are Tango” Live Concert

This is the second of the Bandonegro events at the Polish Cultural Center. After a very successful visit to Seattle last year, Bandonegro comes again with two different events. On Friday, 10/25/24 you can tango the night away, while on Saturday, 10/26/24 you can listen to their concert! At once

Dance Party! “Domówka u Syreny”

Dust off your party shoes and get ready to groove to the tunes of DJ Borsuk! “Domówka u Syreny” features all the crucial ingredients for a great traditional Polish house party: music, beer, food, and open dancing. The Syrena Seattle Traditional Polish Dance Ensemble will also treat partygoers to a

Spektakl muzyczny “Nie tylko o miłości”

Sobotni wieczór 19 października warto spędzić w Domu Polskim, w którym wystąpi Teatr Hybrydy Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego dostarczając widzom niezapomnanych wrażeń arytystycznych oraz muzycznych. Trójka wspaniałych wykonawców – Dominika Świątek, Maria Winiarczyk oraz Maciej Dzięciołowski – w humorystyczny sposób zaprezentuje przewrotne relacje rodzinne, w szczególności damsko-męskie. Program zawiera lekkie i zabawne

Jim Isaac Chua Piano Concert

Polish Cultural Center presents a piano concert of classical music by international award-winning artist Jim-Isaac Chua. Concert’s Program Christoph Willibald Gluck (1714-1787): Mélodie from “Orfeo ed Euridice” Ludwig van Beethoven (1770-1827): “Rondo Alla ingharese quasi un capriccio” in G major, Op. 129 (Rage Over a Lost Penny) Frederic Chopin (1810-1849): Andante spianato

Silver Screen Music of Polish Composers

Join us for an extraordinary afternoon of film music at the Polish Cultural Center. Experience the magic of cinema through the compositions of renowned Polish composers brought to life in captivating performances. The program includes Bronisław Kaper – “Mutiny on the Bounty” Film Suite Theme from “Mutiny on the Bounty”

Polish Festival at Seattle Center

Polish Festival Seattle returns to its usual venue at the Seattle Center Armory and the Mural Amphitheater this year. The festival will open with a parade from the Mural Amphitheatre to the Armory Food & Event Hall at 12 p.m. There will be the usual attractions – folk group performances,

Anniversary “Biesiada” Sing-Along Concert

The Polish Choir “Vivat Musica!” invites everybody to the choir’s 20th anniversary celebrated with a “Biesiada” sing-along. It will be an evening filled with well-known and liked Polish songs, good food & wine, and laugh and cheerful atmosphere.  The restaurant will be open for the event, starting at 4 pm.

Concert “History of Polish Music”

Polish Home Association presents the concert “History of Polish Music” with duo Karolina Mikołajczyk (violin) and Iwo Jedynecki (classical accordion). The program of the concert is as follows 1. A. Jarzębski – Chromatica 2. F. Chopin – Nocturne op. 9 no 2 3. G. Bacewicz – Oberek 4. K. Szymanowski

Constitution Day Featuring M. Krzyżowski Piano Recital

Celebrate Poland’s and modern Europe’s first constitution, of 1791, with music, dance, theater, and delicious food! Seattle’s Polish Constitution Day assembly will feature a piano recital by acclaimed pianist Mateusz Krzyżowski playing award-winning renditions of the works of Szymanowski, Paderewski, and Chopin. There will also be rousing performances of traditional

Viridian Winds in Concert “Musica Polonia”

Seattle’s latest and most exciting word in chamber music is the extraordinary wind ensemble Viridian Winds, who will be presenting a night of “Musica Polonia”. The melodies of a flute, an oboe, a clarinet, a horn, a bassoon, and a piano will seamlessly intertwine in the stylings of Chopin, Bacewicz,