Tag: Movie

Movie “The Wedding Day” (2021) by W. Smarzowski

The Seattle Polish Film Festival presents a special screening at SIFF Cinema of the movie The Wedding Day / Wesele (2021), directed by Wojtek Smarzowski and starring Robert Więckiewicz, Agata Kulesza, Andrzej Chyra and Arkadiusz Jakubik. The movie takes on some fundamental issues related to the Polish national character and

Movie “Battle of Warsaw 1920”

The Polish Cultural Center and the Seattle Polish Film Festival present the movie Battle of Warsaw 1920 / 1920 Bitwa Warszawska (115′), directed by Jerzy Hoffman and starring Daniel Olbrychski as Józef Piłsudski. In Polish with English subtitles. This 2011 film depicts the pivotal moment of the Polish-Bolshevik war of

Movie “Pilot Pirx’s Inquest”

The Seattle Gdynia Sister City Association presents the movie Pilot Pirx’s Inquest / Test Pilota Pirxa (1978, 95′), dir. by Marek Piestrak and based on the short story by Stanisław Lem The Inquest from the Tales of Pirx the Pilot / Opowieści o pilocie Pirxie series. The movie is about “finite non-linears,”

Movie “Of Animals And Men” by Łukasz Czajka

Polish Public Television TVP and its U.S. film distribution partner, Fathom, present a nationwide screening of the 2019 documentary movie Of Animals And Men directed by Łukasz Czajka. Fandango shows that the film is available at multiple cinema theaters in Seattle, on Eastside and other local cities and towns on June 22,

Stanisław Lem Centennial Movies

PFF Miami presents a movie program celebrating the centennial of the famous Polish sci-fi writer, essayist, philosopher and futurist Stanisław Lem (1921-2006). Perhaps best known worldwide as the author of the 1961 novel, “Solaris,” Stanisław Lem produced dozens upon dozens of novels, stories and essays throughout his nearly 60-year career.

BAM Kino Polska: New Polish Cinema

Brooklyn Academy of Music (BAM) in partnership with the Polish Cultural Institute New York presents Kino Polska: New Polish Cinema, bringing together the best new works from Poland’s boundary-pushing filmmakers. The series,  starting on Friday, April 30 through Thursday, May 6, features seven films, including the New York premiere of the Venice