Tag: Lecture

Perspectives of Poland

The Kosciuszko Foundation Online Programs present the panel discussion Perspective of Poland that is part of Studying Poland Today series. This seminar discusses issues that appear continually to bother many Poles, whether living in Poland or elsewhere. Why, for instance, do many Poles seem disappointed that Poland does not play

Poetry and Poets in Polish Culture

The Kosciuszko Foundation online programs present a webinar in the Studying Poland Today series Poland: Imagined Community: Poetry and Poems in Polish Culture by Stanley Bill. The lecture looks at the particular importance of poetry in Polish history, with a focus on the twentieth century and the “Polish school of

The Polish American Woman: Writing Her Self

The UW Polish Studies Endowment Committee presents a webinar The Polish American Woman: Writing Her Self by Prof. Grażyna Kozaczka, based on her book Writing the Polish American Woman in Postwar Ethnic Fiction. The author’s intro to the lecture: This talk, Polish American Women: Writing Her Self, will apply a

Poland: Where the World War II Began

The Kosciuszko Foundation online programs present a webinar in the Studying Poland Today series Poland: Where the World War II Began by Roger Moorhouse. The lecture will examine Poland’s fate in the opening two years of World War Two – from the signature of the Nazi-Soviet Pact in August 1939,

Silenced Peoples in the Global Cold War

The Polish American Historical Association (PAHA) presents a lecture America, Exiles and Ways to Rally Global Support for the Case of Captive Nations during the Cold War by Anna Mazurkiewicz. The webinar discusses the Assembly of Captive European Nations (ACEN) – an umbrella organization and a quasi-East European parliament in

Norman Davies on Concepts of Polish Studies

The Kosciuszko Foundation online programs present the webinar Ten Competing Concepts of Polish Studies with Prof. Norman Davies. In this webinar, Prof. Norman Davies, author and distinguished scholar who taught Polish history and held a chair at the School of Slavonic and East European Studies in London for nearly three

Zbyszko, the Mighty Son of Poland

The UW Polish Studies Endowment Committee presents the lecture Mighty Son of Poland: Zbyszko, Polish Americans and Sports in the 20th Century by prof. Neal Pease about the famous Polish world champion wrestler, intellectual and a Hollywood star, Stanisław Cyganiewicz (1881-1967). Sport has played a significant role in the history

Bruno Schulz – Between Reality and the Word

The Kosciuszko Foundation online programs present a webinar Bruno Schulz – Between Reality and the Word by .Jaroslaw Anders. Bruno Schulz, a literary magus and myth maker who perished in the ghetto in his native, beloved Drohobycz, and Witold Gombrowicz, an ironist and intellectual provocateur, who spent most of his life

Studying Poland with Professors Davies and Frost

The Kosciuszko Foundation online programs present a webinar Sixty Years of Studying Poland – a conversation between Prof. Norman Davies and Prof. Robert Frost, with introductory remarks and Q&A by Alex Storozynski, former Kosciuszko Foundation president. The Kosciuszko Foundation is excited to partner with the Project on Poland Past and Present to bring you Studying

Freedom of the Press in Poland

The Polish Studies Program of the Loyola University in Chicago presents a national conversation with Solidarity heroes Freedom of the Press in Poland. Recently, the Polish government proposed a controversial bill named “Lex TVN.” The bill aims to stop the country’s highest-rated independent news channel, TVN24, which, unlike state-owned channels,

Generosity of Narrative: Wiesław Myśliwski

The Kosciuszko Foundation online programs present a lecture Generosity of Narrative: Wiesław Myśliwski by Dr. Agnieszka Kramkowska-Dąbrowska. Wiesław Myśliwski (b. 1932) is one of the few living writers who made their debut more than fifty years ago and, due to the importance of their works published at that time, belong

A Lyrical Poet as a Political Writer

The Kosciuszko Foundation online programs present a lecture A Lyrical Poet as a Political Writer: The Captive Mind by Czesław Miłosz by Prof. Bozena Shallcross and Prof. Andrzej Karcz. Milosz is of course the 1980 Nobel Prize winner for Literature and is known predominantly for his poetry. He has also

Władysław Reymont Through Film Adaptations

The Kosciuszko Foundation online programs present a lecture Władysław Reymont Through the Prism of Film Adaptations (Andrzej Wajda and Others) by Prof. Tomasz Żukowski.  Władysław Reymont (1867-1925), was a famous Polish novelist who won the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1924 for his epic depiction of the rural rhythm of

Dorota Maslowska’s Provinces

The Kosciuszko Foundation online programs present a lecture Dorota Maslowska’s Provinces by Prof. Katarzyna Czeczot.  Dorota Maslowska, 38 is a novelist, playwright and independent thinker who burst into the Polish literary scene in 2002 with her famous debut novel Snow White and Russian Red / Wojna polsko-ruska pod flagą biało-czerwoną

Anti-Gender Politics And Right-Wing Populism in Poland

This event was rescheduled from February 10, 2021. The UW Henry Jackson School of International Studies presents a lecture Anti-Gender Politics And Right-Wing Populism in Poland by Elżbieta Korolczuk. Dr. Korolczuk is an Associate Professor of sociology at the Södertörn University in Stockholm and American Studies Center at Warsaw University.

Katarzyna Kobro Composing Space

The UW Polish Studies Endowment Committee presents the lecture Katarzyna Kobro Composing Space by Marek Wieczorek. Dr. Wieczorek is Associate Professor of Modern and Contemporary Art History at the University of Washington in Seattle, specializing in early 20th- century avant-garde art with focus on abstraction. Katarzyna Kobro (1898-1951) was an

I Got Imprisoned for Rock & Roll

The Kosciuszko Foundation online programs present a lecture I Got Imprisoned For Rock & Roll: Andrzej Stasiuk and the Literature of Periphery by Dr. Krzysztof Gajewski.  Andrzej Stasiuk (b. 1960) is one of the most renowned Polish writers of the turn of 20 and 21 centuries. In his case, biography

Fr. Jan Of The Ladybug: A Poet’s Story

The UW Polish Studies Endowment Committee presents a lecture Fr. Jan of the Ladybug: A Story of Fr. Jan Twardowski by Anna Cholewinska, discussing his life and poetry. Jan Twardowski (1915-2006) was a Roman Catholic priest and a poet. Even though he published his first poems in the 1930s, it