If you missed this movie at the Seattle Polish Film Festival a few years ago, this is your chance. In this Ukrainian Polish co-production, directed by Olesia Morhunets-Isaienko takes the ‘Carol of the Bells’ is a symbol of the spirit of brotherhood and unity all over the world. The peaceful
If you missed this movie at the Seattle Polish Film Festival two years ago, this is your chance. In this Ukrainian Polish co-production, directed by Olesia Morhunets-Isaienko takes the ‘Carol of the Bells’ is a symbol of the spirit of brotherhood and unity all over the world. The peaceful existence
Quiver Distribution and Fathom Events present the movie “Irena’s Vow / Przysięga Ireny” directed by Louise Archambault. This Canadian-Polish WWII drama tells the story of Irena Gut Opdyke who risked everything to save the lives of thirteen Jews — including one unborn — during the Nazi atrocities against Poland. If
The 2023 Seattle International Film Festival is at our doors. This year, SIFF will show two Polish films, “Pianoforte” and “Filip” and also an American movie “Late Bloomers” with a Polish immigrant as one of the main characters. “Filip“, directed by Michal Kwiecinski (“Tomorrow We’re Going To The Movies” 2007, “Extras”
The Seattle Polish Film Festival presents a special screening at SIFF Cinema of the movie The Wedding Day / Wesele (2021), directed by Wojtek Smarzowski and starring Robert Więckiewicz, Agata Kulesza, Andrzej Chyra and Arkadiusz Jakubik. The movie takes on some fundamental issues related to the Polish national character and
The Holocaust Museum LA with collaboration of the Consulate General of the Republic of Poland in LA presents a webinar How a Polish Diplomat Saved Jewish Lives. Ellen Meth never knew the name of the man who saved her life. She was just a child when she and her father,
The Polish Cultural Center presents the chamber music concert Music of Polish-Jewish Composers, that includes works of four composers: Roman Ryterband (1914-1979), Mieczysław Weinberg (1919-1996), Simon Laks (1901-1983) and Ignaz Friedman (1882-1948). The concert featuring Magdalena Molendowska (soprano) and Julia Samojło (piano) has the following program: Roman Ryterband: Three Hebrew Songs (1938) Mieczysław Weinberg: Gypsy
The Seattle Jewish Film Festival presents the film about Stanisław Ulam Adventures of a Mathematician (2020, 102′), directed by Thor Klein. Dr. Ulam was a Polish-American who participated in the WWII Manhattan Project and later made crucial theoretical and design contributions to the development of the hydrogen bomb. His family
Jeannie Opdyke Smith shares her mother’s incredible journey of courage and resilience. A true story of how one Polish Catholic teenager saved over a dozen Jews during the Holocaust. Irene’s story became a Broadway play in the nationally acclaimed production “Irena’s Vow” and her memoir, “In My Hands” is used in
The Consulate General of Poland in Los Angeles and the Los Angeles Jewish Film Festival present the special Holocaust Commemoration Day with the movie My Name Is Sara screening for four days, from January 25 to 28, and the discussion panel on January 28. The movie directed by Steven Oritt
The New York Jewish Film Festival presents the film about Stanisław Ulam Adventures of a Mathematician (2020, 102′), directed by Thor Klein. Dr. Ulam was a Polish-American who participated in the WWII Manhattan Project and later made crucial theoretical and design contributions to the development of the hydrogen bomb. His
UW Polish Studies Endowment Committee invites you to a lecture Women and the Writing of Polish Jewish History before the Holocaust by Prof. Natalia Aleksiun-Madrzak. The lecture discusses social and cultural backgrounds of Polish Jewish female historians and their contributions as a minority historians, public intellectuals and Jewish women finding their