Tag: History

Poland – Ukraine: Past & Present

The Kosciuszko Foundation Online Programs present the webinar Poland-Ukraine, From conflict and rivalry to neighborliness by Prof. Norman Davies and Prof. Frank Sysyn. The lecture is part of the Studying Poland Today – talk series presented jointly by the Kosciuszko Foundation and the Project on Poland Past and Present (PPPP). The purpose of the series

Witold Gombrowicz: The Drama of Form

The Kosciuszko Foundation Online Programs and the Polish Program at the CUNY Hunter College present the webinar Witold Gombrowicz: The Drama of Form by Jaroslaw Anders. Witold Gombrowicz, an ironist, and intellectual provocateur is one of the most important figures in Polish literary modernism and, according to some, a precursor

Movie “The Wedding Day” (2021) by W. Smarzowski

The Seattle Polish Film Festival presents a special screening at SIFF Cinema of the movie The Wedding Day / Wesele (2021), directed by Wojtek Smarzowski and starring Robert Więckiewicz, Agata Kulesza, Andrzej Chyra and Arkadiusz Jakubik. The movie takes on some fundamental issues related to the Polish national character and

Polish Book Club: “Wymazana granica”

The Club invites new members to discuss books in Polish. The book for the meeting is Wymazana granica, Śladami II Rzeczpospolitej by Tomasz Grzywaczewski, published in 2020 by Wyd. Czarne. The book traces the non-existing borders of Poland from before WWII, both inside of the country now (in Kaszuby, Greater

Lemkos and Ukrainians in Poland

The Kosciuszko Foundation Online Programs and the Jagiellonian Law Society present the lecture Lemkos and Ukrainians by Prof. Jan Pisuliński. This lecture is part of the series Ethnic Minorities in Polish Lands. The lecture focuses on Lemkos (Łemkowie), a minority group in south-eastern Poland and also in the neighboring Slovakia,

The Crisis of Democracy in Interwar Poland

The Kosciuszko Foundation Online Programs present the lecture The Crisis of Democracy in Interwar Poland, The Obstacles to the Establishment of a Democratic and Pluralistic Polish State, focusing on the political system in Poland between the WWI and the WWII, by Prof. Antony Polonsky. The First World War was widely

Music of Polish-Jewish Composers

The Polish Cultural Center presents the chamber music concert Music of Polish-Jewish Composers, that includes works of four composers: Roman Ryterband (1914-1979),  Mieczysław Weinberg (1919-1996), Simon Laks (1901-1983) and Ignaz Friedman (1882-1948). The concert featuring Magdalena Molendowska (soprano) and Julia Samojło (piano) has the following program: Roman Ryterband: Three Hebrew Songs (1938) Mieczysław Weinberg:  Gypsy

Poland: Where the World War II Began

The Kosciuszko Foundation online programs present a webinar in the Studying Poland Today series Poland: Where the World War II Began by Roger Moorhouse. The lecture will examine Poland’s fate in the opening two years of World War Two – from the signature of the Nazi-Soviet Pact in August 1939,

Movie “Battle of Warsaw 1920”

The Polish Cultural Center and the Seattle Polish Film Festival present the movie Battle of Warsaw 1920 / 1920 Bitwa Warszawska (115′), directed by Jerzy Hoffman and starring Daniel Olbrychski as Józef Piłsudski. In Polish with English subtitles. This 2011 film depicts the pivotal moment of the Polish-Bolshevik war of

Preserving History of Your Family & Community

The Ethnic Heritage Council and University of Washington Libraries with the Greater Kent Historical Society, the 4Culture Foundation, and City of Seattle Office of Arts & Culture present a free workshop Preserving the Cultural and Historical Records of Your Ethnic Community, Organizations, and Families This is another We Are History Keepers

Silenced Peoples in the Global Cold War

The Polish American Historical Association (PAHA) presents a lecture America, Exiles and Ways to Rally Global Support for the Case of Captive Nations during the Cold War by Anna Mazurkiewicz. The webinar discusses the Assembly of Captive European Nations (ACEN) – an umbrella organization and a quasi-East European parliament in

Zbyszko, the Mighty Son of Poland

The UW Polish Studies Endowment Committee presents the lecture Mighty Son of Poland: Zbyszko, Polish Americans and Sports in the 20th Century by prof. Neal Pease about the famous Polish world champion wrestler, intellectual and a Hollywood star, Stanisław Cyganiewicz (1881-1967). Sport has played a significant role in the history

Movie “Of Animals And Men” by Łukasz Czajka

Polish Public Television TVP and its U.S. film distribution partner, Fathom, present a nationwide screening of the 2019 documentary movie Of Animals And Men directed by Łukasz Czajka. Fandango shows that the film is available at multiple cinema theaters in Seattle, on Eastside and other local cities and towns on June 22,

Polish Book Club: “Rowerem przez II RP”

The Club invites new members to discuss books in Polish. The book for the meeting is Rowerem przez II RP by Bernard Newman, published in 2021 by Znak Horyzont. Filled with countless anecdotes, photos and personal observations, the book recounts Bernard Newman’s 3,000km route from Gdańsk to Kraków in 1934.

History Keepers: Record Keeping for Organizations

The We Are The History Keepers! workshop  on preserving history, both for families and organizations, runs in 2-hour monthly sessions, each tackling a single topics. These are all online interactive sessions on a Saturday before noon. This is the last session in the series. The organizers describe content of  this

King Sigismund Augustus’s Love Story

The Kosciuszko Foundation online programs presents a meet-the-author talk Barbara & Augustus – A Renaissance Love Story and the Upheaval It Caused by Jeffrey Prince. He will talk about his recently completed manuscript In the Matter of the King’s Marriage, which brings the Golden Age of Poland to life for an

Katarzyna Kobro Composing Space

The UW Polish Studies Endowment Committee presents the lecture Katarzyna Kobro Composing Space by Marek Wieczorek. Dr. Wieczorek is Associate Professor of Modern and Contemporary Art History at the University of Washington in Seattle, specializing in early 20th- century avant-garde art with focus on abstraction. Katarzyna Kobro (1898-1951) was an

Victor Cordella: Builder of Polish-American Identity

The Polish American Historical Association (PAHA) presents a webinar A Builder of Polish American Identity: How Victor Cordella of Krakow Shaped Church Architecture in Minnesota by Geoffrey Gyrisco, Mark Dillon, and Michael Retka. They will share their research on the Polish-American architect whose churches can be found across Minnesota. The

History Keepers: Family History Research

The We Are The History Keepers! workshop  on preserving history, both for families and organizations, runs in 2-hour monthly sessions, each tackling a single topics. These are all online interactive sessions on a Saturday before noon. This is the fourth session in the series. The organizers describe content of  this