Tag: History

„W oczach Zachodu” Joseph Conrad

Klub książki zaprasza wszystkich zainteresowanych do udziału w spotkaniu. Człowiek o sobie samym dowiaduje się najwięcej w sytuacjach skrajnych, ekstremalnych, nietypowych. Wyrzucony z kolein rutyny, przekraczając granice codzienności, opuszczając utarte i poznane szlaki, przekonuje się, jak wygląda jego reakcja na bodźce równie intensywne, co niezwykłe. Uświadamia sobie, jak wiele w

Movie “Carol of the Bells” at SIFF

If you missed this movie at the Seattle Polish Film Festival two years ago, this is your chance. In this Ukrainian Polish co-production, directed by Olesia Morhunets-Isaienko takes the ‘Carol of the Bells’ is a symbol of the spirit of brotherhood and unity all over the world. The peaceful existence

Movie “Mensch” at the Polish Cultural Center

Polish Home Association presents the movie “Mensch” about Prof. Ludwik Hirszfeld, who created the scientific foundation for the blood groups. He is the author of dividing different bloods into groups A, B, AB, and O, which has been accepted and implemented all over the world. Hirszfeld discovered the serological conflict

Poland’s Independence Day Celebrations

The local Polish Scout Troop “Kaszuby” invites everybody to the Polish Cultural Center for a celebration of the Polish Independence Day commemorating Poland emerging as an independent nation on November 11, 1918, after over a century of partitions. This event is in Polish. The program prepared by Iwona Bernacki consists

Documentary “Spitfire Liberator”

Kino OKO invites viewers to a screening of the documentary movie “Spitfire Liberator. The Alex Herbst Story” (92′) at the Polish Cultural Center. The movie directed by Sławomir Ciok and produced by Krzysztof Poraj-Kuczewski is in English and Polish with English subtitles.  The movie tells the story of Witold “Alex”

Lecture “Women of the People” at the UW

UW Polish Studies Endowment Committee presents the lecture “Women of the People: Serfdom, Female Agency and Film Representation in Poland after 1945” by Dr. Michal Oleszczyk. One of the 2023’s biggest box offices hits in Polish cinemas was the animated adaptation of Władysław Reymont’s Nobel Prize-winning 1904 novel “The Peasants.”

Concert “History of Polish Music”

Polish Home Association presents the concert “History of Polish Music” with duo Karolina Mikołajczyk (violin) and Iwo Jedynecki (classical accordion). The program of the concert is as follows 1. A. Jarzębski – Chromatica 2. F. Chopin – Nocturne op. 9 no 2 3. G. Bacewicz – Oberek 4. K. Szymanowski

Constitution Day Featuring M. Krzyżowski Piano Recital

Celebrate Poland’s and modern Europe’s first constitution, of 1791, with music, dance, theater, and delicious food! Seattle’s Polish Constitution Day assembly will feature a piano recital by acclaimed pianist Mateusz Krzyżowski playing award-winning renditions of the works of Szymanowski, Paderewski, and Chopin. There will also be rousing performances of traditional

Movie “Irena’s Vow”

Quiver Distribution and Fathom Events present the movie “Irena’s Vow / Przysięga Ireny” directed by Louise Archambault. This Canadian-Polish WWII drama tells the story of Irena Gut Opdyke who risked everything to save the lives of thirteen Jews — including one unborn — during the Nazi atrocities against Poland. If

Klub Książki: “Sydonia. Słowo się rzekło”

Klub książki zaprasza wszystkich zainteresowanych do udziału w dyskusji. Marcowe spotkanie klubu książki poświęcone jest dyskusji na temat książki „Sydonia. Słowo się rzekło”, napisanej przez wybitną pisarkę Elżbietę Cherezińską. Autorka, bazując na starych dokumentach, rekonstruuje historię Sydonii von Bork, szlachcianki należącej do najstarszego rodu szlacheckiego Pomorza, żyjącej w Księstwie Pomorskim

WWII Documentary “Cross Over Swastika”

Kino OKO invites viewers to a screening of the 2020 Polish WWII documentary movie “Cross Over Swastika. Operation Intelligentsia / Krzyż ponad swastyką” (78′) at the Polish Cultural Center. Due to the topic and scenes depicting WWII Nazi concentration camps, viewer discretion is advised. In Polish with English subtitles, free admission.

WWII Documentary on Stefan Starzynski

KINO OKO is showing another WWII documentary “Stefan Starzynski. Investigation Discontinued / Stefan Starzyński. Śledztwo umorzono” (2017, 60 min), directed by Hanna Etemadi. Stefan Starzyński was the Mayor of Warsaw from 1934 to October 1939. He became famous for his heroic attitude during the defense of Warsaw in September 1939.

Documentary on Polish Underground Education

This is a repeat of the screening first featured on January 4, 2024. Krzysztof Poraj-Kuczewski and the Polish Movie Club Kino OKO invite you to a series of historical documentaries.  The first to be presented is a documentary “Polish Underground Education / Indeks i Karabin. Tajne nauczanie” directed by Hanna

Documentary on Polish Underground Education

This event has been rescheduled from December. Krzysztof Poraj-Kuczewski and the Polish Movie Club Kino OKO invite you to a series of historical documentaries.  The first to be presented is a documentary “Polish Underground Education / Indeks i Karabin. Tajne nauczanie” directed by Hanna Etemadi. The movie tells the story

Klub Książki: “Dygot”

Klub książki zaprasza wszystkich zainteresowanych do udziału w dyskusji. Tematem spotkania grudniowego jest powieść “Dygot” Jacka Małeckiego, opublikowana przez Wydawnictwo SQN w 2015 r. Naznaczona wstrząsającą tajemnicą ballada o pięknie i okrucieństwie polskiej prowincji. Porywające obsesje, niszczące namiętności i groza przemijania. Uciekająca przed Armią Czerwoną Niemka rzuca klątwę na Jana Łabendowicza

Movie “Mr. Jones” by Agnieszka Holland at the UW

The UW Ukrainian Students United and the Ukrainian Association of Washington State present a film screening of the award-winning “Mr. Jones” to commemorate the 90th anniversary of Holodomor, Stalin’s famine-genocide that starved millions of Ukrainians to death between 1932 and 1933. The movie “Mr. Jones” directed by Academy Award winner Agnieszka Holland is