As was the case the last year, this most beloved and savored event at the Polish Cultural Center has been moved from its usual May weekend to September. The program and menu last year were restricted due to the COVID-19 pandemic but this year the event is back to normal.
This is the main summer picnic for the Polish community of Seattle, and everybody is invited. It’s organized by the Polish Home Association, the biggest Polish organization around, together with the Seattle-Gdynia Sister City Association. However, this is a Polish picnic open to all, so drop by if you feel
Update: this event raised about $950 for the Polish Festival. Polish Festival Seattle and the Culinary Workshops group present Adventures in Polish Cooking where you can learn how to make several different Polish recipes and then enjoy a meal together! The dishes covered in this session include: Ukrainian borscht (barszcz
Polish Home Association and Kamila’s Kitchen invite you to a special Friday dinner at the Polish Cultural Center with a Ukrainian menu. The menu includes verenyky (dumplings), tushona kapusta z miastom (braised sauerkraut with pork and beef roast) and otbivni (breaded pork chop), among others, and all the income will
With the pandemic restrictions going away gradually, the Easter basket blessings are more widely available than the last year. Below is a list of local Catholic churches observing this traditional Polish rite on Holy Saturday, April 16, 2022. St. Louise, Bellevue, at 2 pm Mary Queen of Peace, Sammamish, 10
After dipping the proverbial toes with a limited fall bazaar in November, the Polish Women’s Club decided to organize a regular spring bazaar after a two-year hiatus, with no pandemic restrictions or space limits. The old-new bazaar features the usual: booths with amber and jewelry, arts and crafts, Polish crystals
Polish Cultural Center and the Culinary Workshops group invite all the ladies, and gents, to a potluck social celebrating the International Women’s Day. Omikron cancelled or postponed the usual culinary get together, and Women’ Day is a perfect opportunity to catch up and meet at the Polish Home! Please come
The Polish Cultural Center celebrates this year’s Fat Thursday with a special dinner and a sale of Polish pastries of the season: pÄ…czki (Polish doughnuts) and faworki (fa-vor-kee) a.k.a chrust (hroost), traditionally prepared for Fat Thursday and later for Easter. Also on sale: makowiec (poppy seed cake), oponki (donuts), and
Local Polish Culinary Workshops group invites everybody to the Polish Home to a session making faworki (fa-vor-kee) or chrust (hroost) – the traditional pastries for Fat Thursday and later for Easter. (Fat Thursday is the Polish Mardi Gras; it falls on the Thursday before the Mardi Gras Tuesday). All culinary
Polish Home Association invites everybody to a Valentine evening of romance and good Polish food. You can have it both – a romantic dinner downstairs and a lot of fun with your belle or beaux dancing upstairs! Join us just for our Valentine’s Day Dinner from 6 pm with a
The Polish Home Association presents a Polish October fest in November! Come to the Polish Home taste flights of beer (samplers), for a great selection of Polish beers and the Polish street food – zapiekanki (cheese or other foodstuffs toasted on a bagette), Polish Dogs (a hot dog with a
Teresa Vaisvila and Warsztaty Kulinarne – Wspólna Kuchnia invite you to a culinary cookout to practice making – and eating – Polish dishes. This is the first meeting of the group at the Polish Cultural Center since before the pandemic. The cookouts are mostly in Polish, although some translation should
The Polish Cultural Center does not have a permanent chef yet but a regular menu should return in November. For now, the dining room and the bar will open for Friday nights at usual hours with a limited menu starting on September 24, 2021. The menu includes different kinds of
One of the most beloved, and savored, events at the Polish Cultural Center in Seattle is back! Pierogi Fest, after being cancelled last year, has been moved from its usual May weekend to September to save it this year. The program and menu has been curtailed due to the pandemic.
This is the main summer picnic for the Polish community of Seattle. It’s organized by the Polish Home Association, the biggest Polish organization around, but everybody is encourage to come, whether they are PHA member or not. This year, Seattle-Gdynia Sister City Association decided to join the fun at the
The Lincoln Park is in West Seattle and SGSCA decided to cancel the event due to problems with driving there while the West Seattle Bridge is closed. Everyone is invited – individuals and families, members and guests – to celebrate the summer at the yearly picnic of the Seattle-Gdynia Sister
One of the more popular features of Polish Festival Seattle is on – the festival has a virtual program this year, but this is real! The vodka tasting event, a perennial crowd pleaser at the Seattle Center festival will be held at the Polish Cultural Center Dom Polski on Capitol
Last year, the Polish Festival at the Seattle Center was cancelled due to COVID-19. This year, we are not out of the woods yet, but the Festival will happen! You can participate in the Festival in several different ways: Watch the Festival streaming program starting at 11 am. The main
With the pandemic restrictions being lifted gradually, local Catholic churches make plans for both streaming and in person services for the Triduum, although prior mass registration may be required. Also, Archbishop Etienne has granted a dispensation from the obligation to attend Sunday and Holy Day Masses in person during the
Polish Festival Seattle, after being forced to sit out its annual showcase at the Seattle Center in July this year, invites you to virtual Polish Christmas featuring Wigilia, Polish Christmas Eve traditions. Streaming from Facebook, YouTube and the Festival website from 2-5 PM PST. A series of short videos will