Polish Home Association presents the movie “Mensch” about Prof. Ludwik Hirszfeld, who created the scientific foundation for the blood groups. He is the author of dividing different bloods into groups A, B, AB, and O, which has been accepted and implemented all over the world. Hirszfeld discovered the serological conflict that sometimes occurs between a mother and a fetus, which may result in a miscarriage or damage to a fetus. Consequently, he developed the way this conflict can be prevented. In the 1950s as the first doctor in the world, he performed pioneering blood transfusions, saving the lives of hundreds of thousands of children in danger of serological conflict.
Professor Ludwik Hirszfeld. He lived in the first half of the twentieth century; the First and the Second World Wars influenced the work and life of Hirszfeld dramatically. He never gave up. „Mensch” is a story about the powerful character of Ludwik Hirszfeld, and his faith in science. But it is foremost a story about love. About a couple who supported each other. Ludwik would not have achieved anything without his wife Hanna.
During the First World War, Professor Hirszfeld examined several thousand soldiers of different nationalities – African, Asian, European – on the East front, on the territory of Serbia, which allowed for defining the origin of the blood groups and gave the foundations to the new science-seroanthropology . Thanks to the research carried out by Hirszfeld, the knowledge of blood transfusions has been extended considerably. Hirszfeld also described the inheritance of the blood groups.
Professor Hirszfeld stopped the epidemic of typhus in Valjevo, in Serbia during the I-st World War, which has been remembered by the nation of Serbia to this day.
Ludwik Hirszfeld and his wife Hanna were the citizens of the world, their amazing life and extraordinary scientific achievements have left an imprint and are remembered in the United States, Poland, Switzerland, Germany, and Serbia. The film “MENSCH” has been shot in those countries.
In the film, the story of Hirszfeld has been told by the most prestigious European and American scientists, intellectualists, and the family.
Admission free.
More: about Ludwik Hirszfeld