Claire Koleske’s play “An Inheritance of Light”, inspired by Polish history and folklore, is debuting on the Seattle stage with four performances from November 17 to 19.
Maja Koleski, living through the war-torn Partitions of Poland, strikes a cursed deal with a Noonwitch in exchange for safe passage to America. But the curse does not stop with her life. It races forward in time through future generations without sparing any of Maja’s descendants. It is up to her great-great-granddaughter to both investigate the curse and uncover her harrowing family history while she comes to terms with her own struggles with mental health. Through her powers of magic as well as the help of science, she fights to illuminate the truth, once and for all.
“A girl with a cursed inheritance,
A monster waiting in the dark,
A scientist searching for the light,
A witch fighting for her legacy,
…and a woman willing to give anything to keep her family safe.” – Claire Koleske
It is the mission of Amazingly Anxious Productions to bring tales to the stage that examine issues of mental health with nuance and empathy. They share, “We want to think out loud about how we heal from, deal with, and thrive in spite (and sometimes because) of it all. We take great care to tell tender, vulnerable, and charming stories of generational trauma, bipolar disorder, depression, and anxiety.”
There will be four performances of the play: on November 17 at 7:30 pm, on November 18 at 2 pm & 7:30 pm, and on November 19 at 2 pm.
To buy tickets, click here or here. You can contact Theatre Off Jackson by emailing info@theatreoffjackson.org or by calling (206) 340-1049.
More: You can see more content on An Inheritance of Light from Amazingly Anxious Productions here.
by NS