This is a live We Are History Keepers! workshop consisting of two different sessions. The morning session covers Oral History – its planning, conducting and preserving. The session after lunch covers managing and preserving historical records and artifacts of your organization or family.
The morning session from 9:30 am till lunch will be presented by the University of Washington archivists and librarians covering different topics related to oral history.
The after-lunch session as 1:30 pm will have a presentation Managing and Preserving Historical Artifacts by Margaret Weatherbee, Head of Collections, Washington State History Museum and then a panel Heirlooms and Artifacts and Stories They Tell with Risho Sapano, founder and executive director of Mother Africa and Richard Kott, director and producer of the documentary Passing the Torch: 100 Years of the Polish Home Association
To attend, please RSVP by October 20 at with this google document. The workshop is at Kent Commons Community Center
More: We Are History Keepers site