The Kosciuszko Foundation Online Programs and the Polish Program at the CUNY Hunter College present the webinar Witold Gombrowicz: The Drama of Form by Jaroslaw Anders.
Witold Gombrowicz, an ironist, and intellectual provocateur is one of the most important figures in Polish literary modernism and, according to some, a precursor of what came to be known as postmodernism. Elusive, protean, and full of contradictions in his work as well as in his life, he is still fiercely debated and re-evaluated in his native Poland and internationally. Polish critic Jaroslaw Anders examines Gombrowicz’s life and work, his concept of Form, and his unique, personal interpretation of the condition of modern man.
The webinar is presented together with the Polish Program at CUNY Hunter College and is part of the Tadeusz Solowij Lectures of the Kosciuszko Foundation. It is free and open to the public. Spots are limited and registration is required. In lieu of admission, a donation towards the KF Cultural Fund is appreciated.
Jaroslaw Anders is a freelance writer, translator, and editor. He is the author of Between Fire and Sleep: Essays on Modern Polish Poetry and Prose (Yale: Yale University Press, 2009) and numerous articles in The New York Review of Books, The New Republic, the Los Angeles Times Book Review, and other publications. He has translated several books from English into Polish and from Polish into English. In the past, he served as a writer and broadcaster for the Voice of America and worked in the Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor of the U.S. Department of State. He lives in Washington, DC.