This is another Polish movie program presented by the PFF Miami and the Polish Embassy. The three movie program includes The War of the Worlds – no, not about an invasion of Martians on the planet Earth but the invasion of the Bolshevik Russia on Poland in 1920.
The War of the Worlds / Wojna światów, a very interesting documentary on the Polish-Bolshevik War of 1919-1920 created by Mirosław Bork and Krzysztof Talczewski, is based on reconstructed and colorized archival footage and photographs. It brings a better understanding of the war and of the Battle of Warsaw fought in August 2020 that repulsed the Red Army from the gates of Warsaw and decided Polish eastern border with Soviet Union until WWII.
This year not only was the centennial of the decisive Polish victory over the Red Army in 1920, but also the 40th anniversary of the Solidarity movement in Poland. The program includes the movie Truth Makes Free / Zieja, a biography of the chaplain of Solidarity, Fr. Jan Zieja. He was a legendary priest, freedom activist and a witness to Poland’s history in the twentieth century, from the Polish – Bolshevik War and World War II,
to the Solidarity movement and the democratic transformation of 1989.
For those interested in discovering the world of Polish jazz, the program also includes the award-winning Icarus. The Legend of Mietek Kosz about one of the greats of Polish jazz – Mieczysław Kosz. The prodigious pianist continues to inspire the world’s giants of jazz, including Leszek Możdżer, who composed and performed the film’s stellar score.
The program schedule is as follows:
- Dec 4-7 Icarus. The Legend of Mietek Kosz / Ikar. Legenda Mietka Kosza (2019), dir. by Maciej Pieprzyca
- Dec 8-21 The War of the Worlds / Wojna światów (2020), dir. by Mirosław Bork and Krzysztof Talczewski
- Dec 11-14 Truth Makes Free / Zieja (2020), dir. by Robert Gliński
More: PFF Miami program
These movies are free of charge.