Month: January 2025

Wind Inspired Polish Idioms

Anyone who learns a foreign language will sooner or later come across expressions whose meaning does not derive literally from the individual words. Their meaning is metaphorical, established, and understood

“Ocean to pikuś” Łukasza Wierzbickiego

„Marzenia to moja siła napędowa. Nie bójcie się marzyć!” – te inspirujące słowa Aleksandra Doby, głównego bohatera książki Łukasza Wierzbickiego „Ocean to pikuś”, stanowią doskonałe podsumowanie ducha tej wyjątkowej opowieści.

NEW Polish Home Association Art Gallery

The Polish Home Association is happy to announce the opening of an Art Gallery in the Polish Cultural Center. We are creating a forum for artists associated with the Polish community to present their art and to popularize and promote art in our community.