Year: 2024

Klub Książki: “Ostatnie rozdanie”

Klub książki zaprasza wszystkich zainteresowanych do udziału w dyskusji. Tematem spotkania lutowego jest powieść “Ostanie rozdanie” Wiesława Myśliwskiego. To spotkanie jest zamiast spotkania syczniowego. Ostatnie rozdanie to dzieło „totalne”, które chce objąć całość ludzkiego doświadczenia, dotknąć tajemnicy bytu. Jest zachętą do myślenia, nie poucza, nie moralizuje i nie ocenia. Pokazuje życie

AD: Teach English in Poland with the KF

The Kosciuszko Foundation’s Teaching English in Poland Program is currently looking for American volunteers who wish to connect with Polish and Ukrainian children and teachers during the summer in Poland. Become a TEIP Teacher or Teacher Assistant and spend a wonderful summer in Poland. Apply and read more about the 2024

Welcome Prof. Agnieszka Jeżyk to the UW Polish Studies!

Dr. Agnieszka Jeżyk has just arrived in Seattle for her new position as the Maria Kott Endowed Assistant Professor of Polish Studies at the UW Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures. In January 2024 she started teaching her first course “Modern Polish Literature in English” focusing on intellectual and cultural

Polish Home Election Results

At the annual meeting of the Polish Home Association held on January 28, 2024, Lidia Jasklowska has been re-elected as the PHA President, Erik Lidzbarski as the Senior Vice-President and Roman Rogalski as the Treasurer. Congratulations! A full list of the 2024 PHA Election results for all the Officer and

PHA Annual Meeting and Elections

This is the annual meeting of the members of the Polish Home Association. PHA owns and operates the Polish Cultural Center Dom Polski in Seattle. It is also an election meeting for the PHA Board of Trustees and the Officers positions. Please visit the PHA election page for the election

WWII Documentary on Stefan Starzynski

KINO OKO is showing another WWII documentary “Stefan Starzynski. Investigation Discontinued / Stefan Starzyński. Śledztwo umorzono” (2017, 60 min), directed by Hanna Etemadi. Stefan Starzyński was the Mayor of Warsaw from 1934 to October 1939. He became famous for his heroic attitude during the defense of Warsaw in September 1939.

Ron Golubiec Has Died

Ronald “Roman” Golubiec, a pillar of our Polish community, died on January 24, 2024 in Seattle of old age, he was 91. Romuald Golubiec was born in Riga, Latvia on July 27, 1932.  His father was arrested and taken away by the Soviets.  His mother later remarried to the Polish

Pierogi Making Workshop!

The  Warsztaty Kulinarne – Wspólna Kuchnia and the Syrena Seattle group invite you to a culinary workshop at the Polish Cultural Center devoted to this most famous Polish American dish. Come to practice making meat pierogi, blueberry pierogi and whichever other kind strikes your fancy! This workshop is also a

Documentary on Polish Underground Education

This is a repeat of the screening first featured on January 4, 2024. Krzysztof Poraj-Kuczewski and the Polish Movie Club Kino OKO invite you to a series of historical documentaries.  The first to be presented is a documentary “Polish Underground Education / Indeks i Karabin. Tajne nauczanie” directed by Hanna

Klub Książki: “Ostatnie rozdanie”

Klub książki zaprasza wszystkich zainteresowanych do udziału w dyskusji. Tematem spotkania styczniowego jest powieść “Ostanie rozdanie” Wiesława Myśliwskiego. Ostatnie rozdanie to dzieło „totalne”, które chce objąć całość ludzkiego doświadczenia, dotknąć tajemnicy bytu. Jest zachętą do myślenia, nie poucza, nie moralizuje i nie ocenia. Pokazuje życie z jego dobrymi i złymi stronami.

AD: Are you ready for a fresh and healthy start?

We just entered 2024 and if your goal this year is to eat healthier, I want to demonstrate an amazing device that can make healthy cooking a joyful bliss. Thermomix® TM6®  is a number one smart cooking robot that will amaze you and your family! Thermomix is produced by Vorwerk. (See: Vorwerk is

Documentary on Polish Underground Education

This event has been rescheduled from December. Krzysztof Poraj-Kuczewski and the Polish Movie Club Kino OKO invite you to a series of historical documentaries.  The first to be presented is a documentary “Polish Underground Education / Indeks i Karabin. Tajne nauczanie” directed by Hanna Etemadi. The movie tells the story