The movie “Porcelain War” has won the Best Documentary and the Golden Space Needle awards at this year’s Seattle International Film Festival. Sidorska was the principal producer and the creative force behind the movie; she is also a member of the Polish community in Seattle. The film received the US
The Polish Choir “Vivat Musica!” invites everybody to the choir’s 20th anniversary celebrated with a “Biesiada” sing-along. It will be an evening filled with well-known and liked Polish songs, good food & wine, and laugh and cheerful atmosphere. The restaurant will be open for the event, starting at 4 pm.
Legendary filmmaker Agnieszka Holland won the Golden Lion at the 2023 Venice Film Festival for this ground-level examination of the refugee crisis at the titular exclusion zone between Belarus and Poland, seen through the eyes of a Syrian family fleeing their war-torn home. “Green Border” depicts a family of Syrian refugees
A decades-spanning portrait of a transgender Polish woman on a journey of self-discovery is at the heart of Małgorzata Szumowska and Michał Englert’s “Woman Of,” the latest from the two-time Berlin Silver Bear winner (“Body,” “Mug”) and her longtime collaborator. “Woman Of” tells the story of Aniela Wesoły, who for
Update: the movie has won the Best Documentary and the Golden Space Needle awards at SIFF and can compete at the 2025 Oscars. Congratulations! The movie streams at SIFF till May 27. Seattle International Film Festival presents the documentary movie “Porcelain War” co-produced and co-written by the local filmmaker and
Kino OKO invites viewers to a screening of the documentary movie “Spitfire Liberator. The Alex Herbst Story” (92′) at the Polish Cultural Center. The movie directed by Sławomir Ciok and produced by Krzysztof Poraj-Kuczewski is in English and Polish with English subtitles. The movie tells the story of Witold “Alex”
UW Polish Studies Endowment Committee presents the lecture “Women of the People: Serfdom, Female Agency and Film Representation in Poland after 1945” by Dr. Michal Oleszczyk. One of the 2023’s biggest box offices hits in Polish cinemas was the animated adaptation of Władysław Reymont’s Nobel Prize-winning 1904 novel “The Peasants.”
Dom Polski i Szkoła Polska im. ks. Jana Twardowskiego w Bellevue serdecznie zapraszają na monodram „Wisława Szymborska: Poezja i życie” w wykonaniu Agaty Pilitowskiej. Spektakl ten został przygotowany z okazji setnej rocznicy urodzin poetki. Dodatkową atrakcją przedstawienia będą nagrania wideo z udziałem Marii Nowotarskiej. Agata Pilitowska i Maria Nowotarska (córka i
Polish Scouts invite you to the dance party “Two wanted to dance / Dwóm tańczyć się zachciało”. Come to dance the evening away whether single or a young family as the scouts provide babysitting for your children! The program includes: Home-made Polish dinner will be available for purchase from 4
Polish Home Association presents the concert “History of Polish Music” with duo Karolina Mikołajczyk (violin) and Iwo Jedynecki (classical accordion). The program of the concert is as follows 1. A. Jarzębski – Chromatica 2. F. Chopin – Nocturne op. 9 no 2 3. G. Bacewicz – Oberek 4. K. Szymanowski
Celebrate Poland’s and modern Europe’s first constitution, of 1791, with music, dance, theater, and delicious food! Seattle’s Polish Constitution Day assembly will feature a piano recital by acclaimed pianist Mateusz Krzyżowski playing award-winning renditions of the works of Szymanowski, Paderewski, and Chopin. There will also be rousing performances of traditional
Klub książki zaprasza wszystkich zainteresowanych do udziału w dyskusji. Powieść, która wpisała Georgiego Gospodinowa w kanon najciekawszych pisarzy współczesnej Europy, rozpoczyna się najprawdopodobniej w roku 1925. Dwunastoletni chłopiec po raz pierwszy sam trafia na jarmark, trzymając w spoconej dłoni piątaka, który dał mu ojciec. Wszystkie pieniądze oddaje przy wejściu do
Seattle’s latest and most exciting word in chamber music is the extraordinary wind ensemble Viridian Winds, who will be presenting a night of “Musica Polonia”. The melodies of a flute, an oboe, a clarinet, a horn, a bassoon, and a piano will seamlessly intertwine in the stylings of Chopin, Bacewicz,
Quiver Distribution and Fathom Events present the movie “Irena’s Vow / Przysięga Ireny” directed by Louise Archambault. This Canadian-Polish WWII drama tells the story of Irena Gut Opdyke who risked everything to save the lives of thirteen Jews — including one unborn — during the Nazi atrocities against Poland. If
Klub książki zaprasza wszystkich zainteresowanych do udziału w dyskusji. Niniejsza powieść to debiut prozatorski Czechowicza z 1923 roku. Opublikował ją na łamach lubelskiego „Reflektora”. „Opowieść o papierowej koronie”, to dzieło, którego jednym z tematów jest niespełniona miłość. Młody Czechowicz stworzył niezwykle ciekawy utwór, którego głównym bohaterem jest Henryk, homoseksualista, zawiedziony
Update as of 4/7/24: there are no more reservations available to see the consul. The Consulate General of the Republic of Poland in Los Angeles kindly informs that the next consular visit to Seattle, only to process passport applications, is scheduled for April 12 & 13, 2024. The Consul will
Wendy Rader-Konofalski has several exciting art events coming up! This week she will be installing one large ocean scene painting called “Paradise” at the Caffe Ladro in Seattle’s 2 + U (at Second Avenue and University St). This Caffe Ladro is across the street from the Seattle Art Museum. “Paradise”
UW Polish Studies Endowment Committee and the UW Slavic Dept invite everybody to an evening with Jerzy Jarniewicz, one of Poland’s most acclaimed poets, translators and critics. He will be reading his poems in Polish and in English from his volume “Landless Boys” translated by Piotr Florczyk. Update: read the
The Polish Home Association invites everybody to the annual Easter celebration, a traditional gathering of members & friends of the Polish Home. with sharing of the Easter eggs. The Polish Women’s Club and the PHA will provide a variety of desserts and pastries, but please bring a salad or pastry
The Polish Scout Troop “Kaszuby” invites you to Camano Island for the opening of the Nature Walk Trail commemorating Scoutmaster Martha Golubiec. Martha Golubiec was the founder of the Polish scouting organization in Seattle in 1986 and served as its Scoutmaster for 24 years before passing the torch to a