As usual at the Christmas season, you can preorder the holiday cold and hot foodstuffs from Sebi’s. Pickup is on Saturday, December 21 or Monday, December 23.
The preorder form and other details can be found here.
As usual at the Christmas season, you can preorder the holiday cold and hot foodstuffs from Sebi’s. Pickup is on Saturday, December 21 or Monday, December 23.
The preorder form and other details can be found here.
This is an example pop-up that you can make using jQuery.
Wendy Rader-Konofalski has a solo art show coming up soon at Victor’s Celtic Coffee Shop in Redmond just as her exhibit at the Polish Home is coming to an end. She will be showing a large variety of brand new paintings including a triptych called “We the People,” in a
At the annual meeting of the Polish Home Association held on January 26, 2025, Lidia Jasklowska has been re-elected as the PHA President, Erik Lidzbarski as the Senior Vice-President and Roman Rogalski as the Treasurer. The following candidates were elected to the Board of Trustees:Jerzy Augustyniak, Olivia (Miasik) Blandy, Wanda
For some time now, Seattle Polish News has been looking for a new editor-in-chief to take over the news service from Ryszard Kott. However, this search has been unsuccessful and so it’s time to say goodbye. Unless somebody steps forward soon, the service will be discontinued starting from beginning of
Local artist, Wendy Rader-Konofalski, is back for the November Edmonds Art Walk which takes place every third Thursday of the month. Come and see her and her artist colleague, Becca, on Thursday, November 21st from 5 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Their exhibit is on the inside wall of the Epulo