AD: Polish Festival T-shirts Now Available

Support POLISH FESTIVAL SEATTLE by buying a T-shirt or a hoodie OR by donating money! Get yours today!

Polish Festival Seattle is a joyful celebration of Polish culture, traditions, and contemporary achievements. Part of the year-round Seattle Center Festál Cultural Festivals, Polish Festival Seattle is produced by the Seattle Polish Foundation in partnership with Seattle Center, and with support of the Polish Home Association. The 12th Annual Polish Festival Seattle is July 8, 2023, at the Seattle Center Armory and Mural Amphitheatre, featuring authentic Polish food, live music and dance performances, a beer garden, vodka tasting, exhibits, demos and workshops, merchants, and children’s activities.

New in this year’s festival: Polish games to play, classics and contemporary, with a gaming area featuring video games by Polish developers. Join the Timberman tournament and win a prize! We invite everyone to come and play.

More: Order T-shirts and hoodies here:

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