The Polish Cultural Center invites everybody to the annual New Year’s Eve party. Festive dinner by Sebi’s Bistro includes: hot courses, appetizers, dessert, hot and cold beverages, a glass of champaign at midnight. Music by DJ Justin. Drink of the night is Vesper Martini. Cost is $100 for PHA members,
Ho, ho ho!!!! Christmas is right around the corner and it’s time to celebrate! Polish Home Association invites all children and their parents to the annual Christmas party for kids – Mikołajki. This is a community-wide event, and all children are invited, regardless of whether they speak Polish or English.
Klub książki zaprasza wszystkich zainteresowanych do udziału w dyskusji. Tematem spotkania grudniowego jest powieść “Dygot” Jacka Małeckiego, opublikowana przez Wydawnictwo SQN w 2015 r. Naznaczona wstrząsającą tajemnicą ballada o pięknie i okrucieństwie polskiej prowincji. Porywające obsesje, niszczące namiętności i groza przemijania. Uciekająca przed Armią Czerwoną Niemka rzuca klątwę na Jana Łabendowicza
Celebrated composer Bogdan Pawłowski’s gorgeous ballet “Snow White and The Seven Dwarves”–inspired by the Grimm Brothers’ fairy tale–arrives in Seattle just in time for the holiday season and brings in a welcome alternative to the children holiday perennial “Nutcracker”. Performed by the extraordinarily talented and mission-driven company Grand Kyiv Ballet
Polish-born Holocaust survivor Bronka Sundstrom, a very well-known hiking guide and a folk hero at Mount Rainier National Park, died on November 29, 2023, from congestive heart failure. She was 98. Born Bronka Czyżyk in 1925 in Sandomierz, Poland, she was deported first to Auschwitz, where all her family had
The Annual Election Meeting of the Officers and Trustees of the Polish Home Association will be held at the Polish Home, on Sunday, January 28, 2023, at 3:00 PM. Complimentary dinner for members of PHA from 2:00 PM. According to our Election Procedures, members interested in running for an Officer or
SYLWIA TUR HOLIDAY STUDIO SALE December 9 & 10, from 12 to 3 pm, or by appointment Dear All, I am thrilled to invite you to my very first Holiday Sale at my West Seattle studio.Please join me anytime between 12 (noon) and 3pm on Saturday, December 9th or/and Sunday,
Enjoy a free 50-minute performance by the Freszel Duo featuring Chopin’s mazurkas and more! This action-packed program celebrates the dynamic mazurka, beginning with Chopin and continuing through a lineage of inspiration that includes Paderewski, Szymanowski, Tansman, and Friedman, who each put their own spin on the art form. The program
“Erase the Nation”, directed by Tomasz Grzywaczewski, is a documentary showing the destruction of Ukraine’s cultural heritage by Russian Federation troops since the invasion began on February 24, 2022. This powerful film highlights the devastation inflicted on museums, monuments, archaeological sites and sacred places such as the cathedral in Odessa,
Jeśli zastanawiasz się nad idealnym prezentem, który pozwoli zaoszczędzić Tobie i Twoim bliskim czas spędzany w kuchni, serdecznie polecam wielofunkcyjne urządzenie o nazwie Thermomix TM6. Produkt ten powstał we współpracy niemieckich inżynierów i francuskich mistrzów sztuki kulinarnej. Thermomix to połączenie niemieckiej funkcjonalności, ponad 50’ciu lat R&D i ciągłego udoskonalania produktu
Seattle’s Polish soccer team PKS (Pilkarski Klub of Seattle) is looking for players over the age of 40 for an over 40 league. PKS has been playing in one form or another for over 10 years in different leagues and tournaments around the Seattle area. If you are 40 or
Polish Home Association invites everybody to an Andrzejki dance party at the Polish Cultural Center. In Poland, Andrzejki used to be the last party of the season, on the St. Andrew’s Eve, and its traditions include fortune telling with wax poured on water. The restaurant will be open for dinner and
Tango the night away at the Polish Cultural Center to the live music of the celebrated Polish ensemble Bandonegro! At once both inimitable and iconic, Bandonegro are known the world over for their traditional Argentine tango and tango nuevo, as well as their own innovative stylings that weave in jazz
Adult Polish Folk Dance Group in Seattle, aka Traditional Polish Dance Group is looking for an official name. We asked our dancers to pick the best names and would like to ask you to share with us your opinion. We are looking forward to hearing from our community. The name
The UW Ukrainian Students United and the Ukrainian Association of Washington State present a film screening of the award-winning “Mr. Jones” to commemorate the 90th anniversary of Holodomor, Stalin’s famine-genocide that starved millions of Ukrainians to death between 1932 and 1933. The movie “Mr. Jones” directed by Academy Award winner Agnieszka Holland is
Claire Koleske’s play “An Inheritance of Light”, inspired by Polish history and folklore, is debuting on the Seattle stage with four performances from November 17 to 19. Maja Koleski, living through the war-torn Partitions of Poland, strikes a cursed deal with a Noonwitch in exchange for safe passage to America.
This concert series, titled “Musical Delicacies”, seeks to tantalize and satisfy the musical palate while also expressing a message of friendship and solidarity between two cultures. Ganna Krupina, the coordinator of the PNW Kobzar Project says, “As a gratitude to Polish people for their support of Ukraine, I decided to
Zapraszam wszystkich bardzo serdecznie na fantastyczne wydarzenie kulinarne organizowane przez Vorwerk Thermomix. Będzie okazja skosztować pysznych potraw przygotowanych przy użyciu urządzenia Thermomix TM6. Aby przekonać się jak to wielofunkcyjne urządzenie może pomóc przy przygotowywaniu posiłków, wystarczy zarejestrować się online: Liczba miejsc jest ograniczona, więc nie zwlekaj i zarejestruj się już dziś! Chętnie
Dr. Piotr Florczyk – poet, translator, and Assistant Professor of the UW Slavic and Global Literary Studies – will deliver a lecture “Writing With an Accent” on the nature of bilingualism in literature. He will explore the momentous experiences of living, communicating, and creating art across languages and cultures. As
The local Polish Scout Troop invites everybody to the Polish Cultural Center at for a celebration of the Polish Independence Day commemorating Poland emerging as an independent nation on November 11, 1918, after over a century of partitions. The program prepared by Iwona Bernacki consists of a medley of patriotic