Year: 2022

Volunteers Still Needed for the Polish Festival Seattle

Update: This is the first live Polish Festival after the pandemic, and it needs many more volunteers! Please help if you can. Hello friends, We would like to invite you to help us create the ultimate Seattle Polish Festival experience. The event will be held on Saturday, July 9, 2022, from

Hania Rani in a Jazz Concert

Hania Rani is an award-winning pianist, composer and vocalist coming to Seattle right after playing at the Toronto Jazz Festival. The concert organized by Fremont Abbey Arts Center has been moved from Fremont to the St. Mark’s Episcopal Cathedral to accommodate a bigger audience; however, this a regular jazz concert

Volunteers Needed for Polish Food Prep Before the Festival!

Update: This is the first live Polish Festival after the pandemic, and it needs many more volunteers! Please help if you can. The Polish Festival will be serving a lot of great Polish food, but that needs a lot of preparation! The Polish Home Association and the Culinary Workshops ask

Polish Cultural Center Closed Till September

The restaurant and the bar at the Polish Cultural Center have closed for the summer. The summer break this year will last two months, through July and August. Both the restaurant and the bar should reopen as usual on the first Friday after Labor Day, that is on September 9,

AD: Farewell to Isia Kott

Dear Friends, After a pandemic delay of over two years, we have said the final farewell to our beloved Isia. She wanted to be buried with her parents in the family grave in Poland. The funeral took place on June 1, 2022, at the small church and its cemetery in

Joanna Kurkowicz Plays Bacewicz at Benaroya

Seattle Philharmonic Orchestra presents a “serene cheer and warm sunshine” concert that includes Brahm’s Symphony no 2 and the Violin Concerto no. 4 by Polish composer Grażyna Bacewicz. Joanna Kurkowicz is a renown violinist with a wide repertoire, who is also an active propagator of Grażyna Bacewicz oeuvre. More: concert

Polish Summer Courses in Seattle

This is your chance to attend a course of Polish during the summer Polish School at the Polish Cultural Center The school offers separate courses in Polish for children and adults in July and August. Classes are at weekly meetings that are 2 hours each, price is $100 a month.

Klub książki: “Serce pełne skorpionów”

Klub książki zaprasza nowych członków do udziału w dyskusjach. Tematem spotkania czerwcowego jest książka Serce pełne skorpionów Wojciecha Engelkinga, wydana w 2021 r. przez W.A.B. Jest to historia pierwszej wielkiej miłości, która jednak podszyta jest kłamstwem, a w tle jest spisek polityczny z czasów PRL-u. Engelking, 30, jest z wykształcenia

Witchers, Strigas and More – in Polish & Slavic Legends

The University of Washington Polish Studies Endowment Committee presents the lecture Witchers, Strigas, and the Man on the Moon – Polish Legends in Contemporary Popular Culture by Dawid Junke, PhD. Slavic mythology has recently enjoyed unprecedented levels of global popularity, thanks to the very successful computer video game and the

Concert for Ukraine at the Seattle Opera

Pacific Northwest Ballet Orchestra and Seattle Opera present a concert for the benefit of Ukrainian artists who have taken refuge in Poland. The PNB Orchestra, conducted by Emil de Cou and Alevtina Ioffe, will be joined by various artists for a one-hour performance featuring music from Der Rosenkavalier, Swan Lake, Prokofiev’s Romeo and

Klub książki: “Gorzko, gorzko”

Klub książki zaprasza nowych członków do udziału w dyskusjach. Tematem spotkania majowego jest książka Gorzko, gorzko Joanny Bator, wydana w 2020 r. przez Znak. Jest to wielopokoleniowa, skupiona na kobietach, saga rodzinna osadzona na Górnym Śląsku,. Bator, 64, jest pisarką, eseistką, podróżniczką, specjalistką od antropologii kultury i gender studies. Pochodzi

Update on Recent Fundraisers

There has been several fundraisers for Ukraine that our local Polish communities have been involved with; this is an update for the recent ones. The dinner and auction with Gov. Jay Inslee at the Polish Cultural Center on April 22 raised over $55,000 for the Ukrainian Association of Washington State The Polish

AD: Senat RP pyta Polonię o opinie

Komisja Spraw Emigracji i Łączności z Polakami za Granicą Senatu RP prosi o opinie Polonii dotyczące priorytetów i kierunków polityki państwa polskiego wobec Polonii i Polaków za granicą. List Senat RP zachęcający do wypełnienia ankiety na ten temat. Link do ankiety Termin zgłaszania uwag jest 15 maja 2022 r. More:

Polish Rock Band “Trupa Trupa” in Seattle

The Polish indie rock band Trupa Trupa is coming to Seattle to play at Barboza. The group advertises itself as an art-rock, psychedelic post punk band from Gdańsk, Poland. The group includes Grzegorz Kwiatkowski (vocals, guitar, also a published poet), Wojtek Juchniewicz (vocal, guitar), Rafał Wojczal (keyboards, guitar) and Tomek

Celebrating the 3rd of May Constitution

Polish Cultural Center presents a commemoration of the first Polish Constitution enacted in 1791. This was the second constitution in the world, after the American Constitution and before the French one. It is known in Polish as the Constitution of the May 3rd. The program highlighting relevance of an independent