Update: About $33,000 has been raised as of 11/3/2022, so we are getting there! Please donate to the fundraiser, if you haven’t done so yet! Also, SPF is still matching up to $5,000 in new donations to get the fundraiser to the $35,000 – $40,000 level! Dear Members and Friends of
Jan Lisiecki, the Polish Canadian young star pianist, is playing three concerts in the Delta Masterworks series at Benaroya directed by Ludovic Morlot. The program of each concert includes: Tidalwave Kitchen by Gabriela Smith Piano Concerto in A minor by Edvard Grieg Symphony no 6 Pathetique by Pyotr Tchaikovsky Lisiecki
There are several places where you can still sign up for a Polish language course in the fall. Please check out the following opportunities if they fit your schedule and wallet. Seattle City University info – deadline to sign up is September 25, 2022 Polish School in Seattle info –
The fall quarter at the University of Washington brings courses that can draw people interested in Polish language and culture. As usual, seniors 60+ can register to listen to these courses for a token fee through the UW Access Program. Notable courses include: Introduction to Slavic Literature 200: War Literature with Prof.
Seattle Symphony presents the Opening Night Concert and Party to start the new in-person season, featuring Polish pianist Jan Lisiecki. The concert directed by Ludovic Morlot includes the following works: Seattle Symphony commissioned work by Angelique Poteat Grande valse brillante and other works by Chopin, Jan Lisiecki, piano La muse
If you need a new Polish passport, sign up for a reservation slot ASAP! The Consulate General of the Republic of Poland in Los Angeles kindly informs that the next consular visit to Seattle, only to process passport applications, is scheduled for September 16 & 17, 2022. The Consul will
The Polish Club at the University of Texas presents a webinar with Minister Radosław Sikorski on The Making of a European Union Military. The presentation will take 45 minutes and will be followed by a Q&A for 15 minutes. This webinar is at 11 am CT, that is 9 am
The Fr. Twardowski Polish School in Bellevue accepts new students for the 2022/2023 academic year for classes 0 to 8. The enrollment is based on demonstrated language skills, not on age, and the new students can enroll in person on September 14, 2022, at 7 pm or contact the school for
Another fall tradition settles back: Polish Home Association presents a rummage sale. Please stop by to see if you can find something you really need for a low, low price! Or just buy stuff to have fun! But also, summer is a perfect time to clean out your closets! So,
Klub książki zaprasza nowych członków do udziału w dyskusjach. Tematem spotkania wrześniowego jest książka Manueli Gretkowskiej Mistrzyni wydana przez Znak literanova w 2021 roku. Powieść została zainspirowana życiem Lucyny Ćwierciakiewiczowej (1826-1901), słynnej autorki polskich książek kucharskich oraz celebrytki tamtych czasów, włącznie z bogactwem, wpływani i skandalami w życiu prywatnym. Gretkowska, 58,
The Juliusz Słowacki Polish School in Seattle is starting enrollment for the 2022/2023 academic year. Classes for adults will be online on Tuesdays and Wednesdays in the evening, children’s classes will take place at the Polish Home on Saturdays mornings. Sign up online here. The fees for the classes are as
Washington Academy of Languages at the City University of Seattle has a native Polish instructor and has been offering Polish classes. Dr. Ewa Krawczyk will be teaching Polish 1 in the fall quarter on Thursdays from 6:30 to 8:20 pm Polish 1 Ewa Krawczyk Thu 6:30 – 8:20PM 10/6/22 12/15/22
Linda Hodges Gallery in Seattle presents an exhibition Form Follows Language by ceramist Sylwia Tur. Join Sylwia at the artist reception on September 1 between 6 and 8 pm. Below is an intro written by the artist Dear All, I would like to invite you to my third solo exhibition
Barbara Strutynski, an outstanding longtime member of our Polish community died on August 24, 2022, in her home with her family by her side. She was almost 86. Known to everybody as “Pani Basia”, Barbara was a community pilar, active since the early 1960s untill the pandemic. During this time,
This is the main summer picnic for the Polish community of Seattle, and everybody is invited. It’s organized by the Polish Home Association, the biggest Polish organization around, together with the Seattle-Gdynia Sister City Association. However, this is a Polish picnic open to all, so drop by if you feel
Klub książki zaprasza nowych członków do udziału w dyskusjach. Tematem spotkania sierpniowego, przeniesionego z lipca, jest książka laureatki nagrody Nobla, Olgi Tokarczuk pt. Księgi Jakubowe wydana w 2014 roku przez Wydawnictwo Literackie. Tokarczuk, 60, otrzymała nagrode Nobla w dziedzinie literatury za rok 2018. Otrzymała też nagrode Man Booker International Prize
The representation of Poland for the World Athletics Championship in Eugene, OR, has arrived in Seattle. Apparently, some of the track and field stars plan to drop by to see the Polish Festival at the Seattle Center this Saturday; so if you look around, you may be lucky to spot
Polish Festival Seattle returns to the Seattle Center Armory and the Mural Amphitheater this year. This year is also the 10th anniversary of the festival – it started in 2012, yeah! The festival will open with a parade from the Mural Amphitheatre to the Armory Food & Event Hall at
The Polish public movie producer, Wytwórnia Filmów Dokumentalnych i Fabularnych (WFDiF), created a movie streaming platform “35mm.online” presenting Polish cinematography. About 4000 fully digitalized and restored movies are now available for viewing. The platform is available on the web, as a mobile application and as a smart TV application. The
If you missed it earlier, this is a reminder that Polish Cultural Institute New York and MUBI still present a selection of Stanisław Lem centennial movies. The series can be viewed on the movie platform MUBI, with a 30-day free trial period and different availability in different countries. In United