The Polish Cultural Center invites everybody to the annual New Year’s Eve party. Polish traditional cuisine by Kamila / Sebi’s Bistro includes: 5 hot courses, 9 different appetizers, dessert stations, hot and cold beverages, a glass of champaign at midnight. Music by DJ Justin. The plan for the evening is
Frank David Wilson, longtime member of the PHA died on November 24, 2022, at his home in Seaview, WA, after a long struggle with brain cancer. He was 72. Frank is survived by his wife Elizabeth, sister Valerie, stepchildren and grandchildren. Services will be held at the chapel of ‘Sunset Hills Memorial
SIFF Cinema Uptown presents the newest movie directed by the great Jerzy Skolimowski, “EO”. The film has won a Grand Jury Prize at the 2022 Cannes Festival (as a cowinner) and is the official entry from Poland to the 2023 Oscars, in the Best International Feature category. Eo, a gray
Wendy Rader-Konofalski is a local artist who has just opened her first solo exhibition at Caffe Ladro in West Seattle where she presents several of her acrylic paintings. This exhibition is available till January 31, 2023, during the caffe business hours – from 6:30 am to 6 pm on weekdays
Washington Academy of Languages at the City University of Seattle has a native Polish instructor and has been offering Polish classes. Dr. Ewa Krawczyk will be teaching Polish 1 in the winter quarter on Thursdays from 6:30 to 8:20 pm Polish 1 Ewa Krawczyk Thu 6:30 – 8:20PM 1/12/23 3/16/23
The Polish Home Association presents the annual Mikołajki party for children to celebrate Christmas traditions at the Polish Cultural Center. This is a community-wide event, and all children are invited, regardless of whether they speak Polish or English. A visit by Santa Claus is not confirmed at this time, but
This is your last chance to see the play in Polish “Przygody Pchły Szachrajki” based on a classic poem for children by Jan Brzechwa and directed by Anna Kułakowska. This show is part of the annual Mikołajki party for kids and is free of charge as the Polish Home Associations
Klub książki zaprasza nowych członków do udziału w dyskusjach. Tematem spotkania gruniowego jest “SPATiF upajający pozór wolności” Aleksandry Szarłat opublikowana w 2022 r. przez Wyd. Czarene. Książka opisuje historię i znaczenie Klubu Aktora Stowarzyszenia Polskich Aktorów Teatru i Filmu w Warszawie. Spotykali się tam twórcy wszelkiej maści ale także znaczące
The grand piano in the picture will be coming to the Polish Hall real soon now! The Seattle Polish Foundation entered into a purchase agreement with a private seller for a 2008 concert-class Steinway grand piano in an excellent condition for the Polish Cultural Center Dom Polski. The grand piano
This is the annual meeting of the members of the Polish Home Association. PHA owns and operates the Polish Cultural Center Dom Polski in Seattle. It is also an election meeting for the PHA Board of Trustees and the Officers positions. Please see the PHA website for the election committee
The Annual Election Meeting of the Officers and Trustees of the Polish Home Association will be held at the Polish Home, on Sunday, January 29, 2023, at 3:00 PM. Complimentary dinner for members of PHA from 2:00 PM. According to our Election Procedures, members interested in running for an Officer or
Friends have set up a GoFundMe page to help the Mroz family with the medical and funeral bills. Please contribute to this fund if you can. Andre Mroz fell ill early November and ended up in the ICU fighting for his life. Andre lost his fight on November 19,2022. The
LAST CALL TO SIGN UP FOR KILIMANJARO AND SAFARI! Please, join us on a seven-day journey to the “Roof of Africa” via Machame Route, This is fully supported climb with guides, porters and kitchen staff. Our success rate is in the upper 80% and this year we summited in quite
As usual in the season, Sebi’s Bistro has just announced that it is taking pre-orders for Christmas. You can order all Polish Christmas food favorites from borscht & uszka, through different kielbasas and blood sausage (kaszanka), cabbage rolls (gołąbki), hunter stew (bigos) and different kinds of pierogi, to gingerbread (piernik
Dear Members and Friends of the Polish Community, By the end of November, we have received about $49,000 in donations from over 170 donors, which is way more than we expected, and donations are still coming in. We continue fundraising as we’d like to buy a good-quality used concert-class instrument during the
The Culinary Workshops group presents a Christmas edition of their popular hands-on cooking sessions. This one will have a Wigilia (Polish Christmas Eve) ambiance as all the demos are related to Christmas. The dishes covered in this session include: mushroom soup (zupa grzybowa), pasta with cabbage and mushrooms (łazanki z
Polish Home Association presents an Andrzejki Party at the Polish Home. In Poland, Andrzejki used to be the last party of the season, on the St. Andrew’s Eve, and its traditions include fortune telling with wax poured on water. Party dancing will be with a DJ with Polish and American
Andrzej Mroz, the former Solidarity leader, local community activist and one of the most recognizable members of the Polish community died on November 19, 2022, due to complications after a cardiac arrest. He was 67. Andrzej Antoni Mróz was born on June 21,1955 in Bliszczyce in Silesia, Poland. He obtained
The Seattle Polish Film Festival announced viewers’ choice award for the best movie of the festival. The Seattle Spirit of Polish Cinema Award goes to the following movie: The runners up with the same number of votes were For the best documentary, a Certificate of Recognition went to Congratulations! More:
The Kosciuszko Foundation Online Programs presents the webinar “Józef Piłsudski – the Founding Father of Modern Poland” by Joshua Zimmerman. Zimmerman is the author of a new Piłsudski biography of the same title. In the story of modern Poland, no one stands taller than Jozef Pilsudski. From the age of