Year: 2021

Polish Bazaar Returns

The fall bazaar is returning to the Polish Cultural Center at its usual first weekend of November, organized by the Polish Women’s Club. The ladies are playing it safe though due to the pandemic, and this year the Polish bazaar will last only one day, instead of the usual two.

Preserving History of Your Family & Community

The Ethnic Heritage Council and University of Washington Libraries with the Greater Kent Historical Society, the 4Culture Foundation, and City of Seattle Office of Arts & Culture present a free workshop Preserving the Cultural and Historical Records of Your Ethnic Community, Organizations, and Families This is another We Are History Keepers

Movie “Pilot Pirx’s Inquest”

The Seattle Gdynia Sister City Association presents the movie Pilot Pirx’s Inquest / Test Pilota Pirxa (1978, 95′), dir. by Marek Piestrak and based on the short story by Stanisław Lem The Inquest from the Tales of Pirx the Pilot / Opowieści o pilocie Pirxie series. The movie is about “finite non-linears,”

COVID Restrictions at the Polish Cultural Center

The Polish Cultural Center Dom Polski follows the most recent Washington state and King County restrictions that have taken effect on October 25, 2021. A proof of vaccination or a recent negative test is needed at the dining room or to attend different activities and events, such as the Polish

Silenced Peoples in the Global Cold War

The Polish American Historical Association (PAHA) presents a lecture America, Exiles and Ways to Rally Global Support for the Case of Captive Nations during the Cold War by Anna Mazurkiewicz. The webinar discusses the Assembly of Captive European Nations (ACEN) – an umbrella organization and a quasi-East European parliament in

Norman Davies on Concepts of Polish Studies

The Kosciuszko Foundation online programs present the webinar Ten Competing Concepts of Polish Studies with Prof. Norman Davies. In this webinar, Prof. Norman Davies, author and distinguished scholar who taught Polish history and held a chair at the School of Slavonic and East European Studies in London for nearly three

Joga po polsku w Domu Polskim

Asia Filipek zaprasza na sesje Jogi po polsku w Domu Polskim w Seattle. To jest wznowienie zajęć bezpłatnej jogi prowadzonych przez Asię w Domu Polskim od 2016 roku po przerwie wymuszonej przez pandemię. Zajęcia będą odbywały się co tydzień w czwartki, z przerwą na Święto Dziękczynienia i Święta Bożego Narodzenia.

Polish Consul Decorates Local Polish-Americans

On October 16, 2021, Jarosław Łasiński, Consul General of the Republic of Poland in Los Angeles, honored local Polish-Americans with the following medals: Bogdan Smyczynski of Tacoma and Józef Eugeniusz Kucharczyk of Auburn each has received The Cross of Freedom and Solidarity, awarded to the former Solidarity activists by the

Zbyszko, the Mighty Son of Poland

The UW Polish Studies Endowment Committee presents the lecture Mighty Son of Poland: Zbyszko, Polish Americans and Sports in the 20th Century by prof. Neal Pease about the famous Polish world champion wrestler, intellectual and a Hollywood star, Stanisław Cyganiewicz (1881-1967). Sport has played a significant role in the history

Kaysy Ostrom Directs a Play in Kirkland

Kaysy Ostrom has directed a play I Never Saw Another Butterfly, performing live at the main stage of the Studio East theatre in Kirkland, from October 8 to 17, 2021. Kaysy is a granddaughter of Krystyna Balut, who was a child survivor of the brutal WWII deportations of Poles by

Marion Ossowski Has Died

Marion Jan “Marian” Ossowski, a longtime member of the Polish community, died on September 13, 2021 after battling COVID-19 for several weeks. He was 70. Regretfully, Marion was not vaccinated; his wife Alicja, who survived COVID-19 and recovered, urges everyone to get vaccinated. Born in Szczecin in 1951 and trained

Bruno Schulz – Between Reality and the Word

The Kosciuszko Foundation online programs present a webinar Bruno Schulz – Between Reality and the Word by .Jaroslaw Anders. Bruno Schulz, a literary magus and myth maker who perished in the ghetto in his native, beloved Drohobycz, and Witold Gombrowicz, an ironist and intellectual provocateur, who spent most of his life