Month: July 2021

Polish Festival Vodka Tasting Is On!

One of the more popular features of Polish Festival Seattle is on – the festival has a virtual program this year, but this is real! The vodka tasting event, a perennial crowd pleaser at the Seattle Center festival will be held at the Polish Cultural Center Dom Polski on Capitol

Traditional Polish Embroidery Workshop

Polish Cultural Center presents an embroidery workshop, where you can learn traditional Polish patterns and how to make them. Sessions of this workshop will run at the lower hall of the building, while the vodka tasting event is running upstairs. There are three sessions available at 12, 2 and 4

Polish Festival Seattle Makes a Comeback!

Last year, the Polish Festival at the Seattle Center was cancelled due to COVID-19. This year, we are not out of the woods yet, but the Festival will happen! You can participate in the Festival in several different ways: Watch the Festival streaming program starting at 11 am. The main

Generosity of Narrative: Wiesław Myśliwski

The Kosciuszko Foundation online programs present a lecture Generosity of Narrative: Wiesław Myśliwski by Dr. Agnieszka Kramkowska-Dąbrowska. Wiesław Myśliwski (b. 1932) is one of the few living writers who made their debut more than fifty years ago and, due to the importance of their works published at that time, belong

Swing It Seattle Comes Back to the Polish Home, Too!

They come swinging back, don’t they! With the Governor lifting statewide restrictions, this is the first dance party at the Polish Cultural Center in the post-pandemic era. Polish Cultural Center and Swing It Seattle present the monthly Swing It Saturday dance party also featuring workshops and performances. Come swing dance

Seattle Polish Film Festival Poster Contest

Win $100! If you needed a proof that the Seattle Polish Film Festival (SPFF) is coming back to town after a 2020 hiatus, this is it! The festival just announced its traditional art competition to design a poster for the 2021 SPFF coming in the fall. The SPFF is looking

Name the New Polish Theatre Group

If you haven’t noticed, there is now a new Polish theatre group at the Polish Cultural Center Dom Polski in Seattle. The preparation have been low key due to pandemic, but the group is slowly gathering members, technical staff etc. If you would like to volunteer, go for it, the

Polish Home Restaurant Closed Till September

The restaurant and the bar at the Polish Cultural Center has closed for the summer. The summer break this year will last two months, through July and August. Both the restaurant and the bar should reopen as usual on the first Friday after Labor Day, that is on September 10,