The following is a quote from the King County Public Health mail received on April 7, 2021.

I want to let you know that there is high availability of appointments for the Johnson & Johnson one dose vaccine at the Public Health – Seattle King County Auburn vaccination site for today, April 7 through Monday, April 12. The site is located at the Auburn Outlet Collection. Below is a message you can share with your audiences.
Appointments for the one-dose J&J COVID-19 vaccine are open now at King County’s new Auburn Outlet Mall site, from Wednesday (4/7/21) through Monday (4/12/21). If you are currently eligible, sign up at
In other vaccine site news:
The King County Vaccination Partnership-Redmond (KCVP-Redmond) – a collaboration of Public Health – Seattle & King County, Evergreen Health, Overlake Medical Center, and Microsoft – has expanded vaccination access to serve community members in all eligibility groups as defined by the Washington Department of Health. Those who meet the eligibility guidelines are now able to register to be notified when a vaccination appointment is available, pending vaccine supplies.
If a person is eligible for vaccination, they can pre-register for an appointment at If you do not have an email address or need assistance with scheduling, please call the service support line at 425.899.3933. Interpretation is available over the phone.
And, here are some vaccine resources:
Flyers, videos, and resources are available in multiple languages, providing information on how to get the vaccine, fact-checking myths about the vaccine, and providing additional information.
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