Year: 2020

Virtual Caroling at the Kosciuszko Foundation

The Kosciuszko Foundation is upholding its annual tradition of Christmas caroling, this year in a virtual edition. To keep the spirit bright please connect with the KF on Zoom on the last Saturday before Christmas to wish one another Merry Christmas, raise a toast, and sing our beloved Polish Christmas Carols as

PHA Membership Renewal and Elections

December and January is usually an election season for the Polish Home Association (PHA) in Seattle with the annual meeting on the last weekend of January. The pandemic complicated things this year, but what I hear from PHA is that elections will happen by mail with the virtual meeting of

AD: Polish Games Coming to the Steam Engine Near You

PC gaming world is all aflutter about the Cyberpunk 2077 game from the Polish game studio CD Projekt Red from Warsaw, the company famous for the Witcher / Wiedźmin game series. The new game released on December 10, 2020 amped the ante with a movie-size budget over $314 million and

Marie Curie – A Pioneer for Women in Science

The Kosciuszko Foundation online programs present a panel discussion Maria Skłodowska Curie – A Pioneer for Women in Science? The discussion will be moderated by Nobel Prize winner in chemistry Dr. Roald Hoffman. The panelists are Susan Queen – an award winning author of the biography Marie Curie: A Life,

AD: Virtual Polish Bazaar

Both annual Bazaars at the Polish Cultural Center Dom Polski in Seattle have been cancelled this year, but Polish Home Association came up with a vitual bazaar before Christmas instead. You can find a unique and thoughtful gift for your loved ones. Shop local and support our Polish artists and

Salon of Poetry: “Poezja łączy ludzi”

Salon of Poetry in Seattle presents the first poetry evening in Polish this year Poezja łączy ludzi. The program includes reading poems by members of the Salon as well as by members of the audience: please prepare your favorite poem supporting motto of this pandemic event: poetry connects people. As

Polish Literature Club: “Choucas”

This new literature book club in Seattle is for readers who’d like to discuss Polish literature in English. The book for this meeting is Choukas by Zofia Nałkowska published in 1927. Choucas is a French bird name for jackdaw, in Polish kawka; the name is used symbolically for people and

Women in Polish Jewish History

UW Polish Studies Endowment Committee invites you to a lecture Women and the Writing of Polish Jewish History before the Holocaust by Prof. Natalia Aleksiun-Madrzak. The lecture discusses social and cultural backgrounds of Polish Jewish female historians and their contributions as a minority historians, public intellectuals and Jewish women finding their

Polish Home Dining Room & Bar Closed Again

At the special meeting discussing the pandemic impact, the Trustees and Officers of the Polish Home Association decided that the dining room and the bar at the Polish Cultural Center Dom Polski will be closed until January 8, 2021.